Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Be Steadfast & Unmovable

Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye steadfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.

1 Corinthians 15:58

As you grow in the knowledge and will of God you are assured to be subject to many temptations and snares placed in your life by the enemy… There will be many test that you must endure and many hardships that you must face; however, in the midst of your circumstances you can find courage in knowing that your sweat, blood and tears are not in vain… I know that it is very easy to become discouraged when you face opposition and it appears that all of the seeds that you have planted are not bearing fruit; however, you must “be ye steadfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord…”Today’s focus verse challenges us to walk by faith and trust that the Lord knows all and sees all… The enemy wants you to believe that you have lost, he wants you to believe that you cannot obtain victory; however, Paul wants you to know that every stumbling block will eventually become a stepping stone and you will have a testimony that will lead others to Christ… No seed, when planted sprouts immediately; this principle applies to our lives as Christians as well… You have a seed that God planted in you and the storms of life that you face provide the nutrients needed for that seed to grow…This is why we must be steadfast; don’t let Satan corrupt your seed… 

Don’t let him dig up what God has planted in you while it tries to take root… The things that you face in life will either provide water to your seed or a shovel to the dirt which protects and keeps it… Despite what people may say (being that shovel that the enemy will use), you must continue to abound in the work of the Lord… No matter what the appearance of your current predicament may seem, you must continue to fight the good fight and walk in faith… Don’t get caught up in the moment, continue to look ahead and the big picture which is God’s plan and expected in for you… Jesus gave His life for you to be with Him in paradise… This doesn’t mean that you won’t endure tough times; it doesn’t mean that you will not have you share of bad days, it doesn’t mean that you will not be subject to trials and tribulations, it simply means that in the end you will be dwelling in paradise…Whether it takes two years or two decades, the seed that has been planted in you will materialize into exactly what God originally formed it to be… You were created in His image and that perfection with which you were formed will be shown… The reason why a lot of us fall short is because we don’t realize how close we are to our expected end… The day you turn from the path of Christ could be the same day that your seed was beginning to bear fruit… Stay focused on reaching your destiny, it is not by chance that you accepted Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, but now is the time when you will face the strongest trials that Satan will send your way (Satan was and is never worried about those in the world, they are already being controlled by him)! You have accepted Christ offering, but more importantly you have accepted His will for your life! You must be steadfast; you cannot waver or lose sight of the big picture! There will be times of heartache, there will be times of pain and suffering, but know that as long as you abound in the work of the Lord, you know that your labour is not in vain… 

God bears witness to all you endure; He sees everything that you face and has taken note of your faith and drive to live a life that is pleasing in His sight… Plow the field God has laid before you, remembering the promise that He made to us, “we will reap a harvest, if we faint not!” Child of God, the warfare has intensified, and in spite of the fiery darts that are being sent your way, you must continue to "Advance", as you remain focused on the assignment that has been ordained to your hands. Beloved, you are not alone in this battle, nor are you fighting on uneven territory, for the Father has already dispatched a legion of warring angels who are fighting on your behalf in the spirit realm. But, in order to "Advance!" in full strength and power you will need to shed flesh; therefore, you must suit up by pulling out your spiritual arsenal of mass destruction against the enemy by adding fasting to your prayers, which is sure to give you greater leverage against the wiles of the devil causing you to "Advance" against the kingdom of darkness. This is not the hour to retreat or give in to the pressures of discouragement, but to "Advance!" against all that would dare hinder the move of God in the lives of His people. To be unmovable we must be planted like a tree beside the waters, we must stand firm, trusting that even in the worse conditions, we will have the nutrients we need to maintain and we will bring forth our fruit in season…

Be encouraged and always remember you are favored by the KING!


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