Tuesday, April 18, 2017

We All, Like Sheep Have Gone Astray

We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own way; and the LORD has laid on him the iniquity of us all.

Isaiah 53:6

Christ didn’t lay down His life for one person on this earth, but for every man who has taken a breath upon this earth knowing that we all fallen short of the glory of God… The message from today’s devotion is that none of us are perfect; as a matter of fact, we all have flaws and if it were not for the grace and mercy of God, we would all dwell together in the pits of hell… The bible refers to us a sheep for the simply fact that we must be guided or else we will surely be loss and eventually devoured by the enemy…You have to come to grips that you cannot get through this life on your own ability… There are so many of us that think we have the answers or that we can obtain them within our own finite minds, when you think like this you have already given your very soul over to the predator and don’t stand a chance in this battle let alone the war… Understand that temptation upon this earth is real and if given a small crack or whole in the plan, we will go astray (like sheep) not knowing the consequences of our actions or the fate which lies ahead when we take the detour… I can recall countless light bulb moments in my life where I wish I could have gone back in time and changed my decisions the day prior… This passage not only speaks to our imperfection, but it also speaks to the humility that a child of God must have and display on this earth… One of the things that plague the Christian on this earth is to admit that they don’t have the answers and may not even know what the end result will be… 

To often we masquerade as if we know everything and behind close doors we begin to venture off track to try and find the answers and end up jus like the wandering sheep spoken of in this passage… Growing up, my father what always tell us, “the hardest three words for people to say is I don’t know…” and this stands true in the body of Christ… We have to rely totally on the will and plan of God and walk in faith which means that we don’t have to know what will happen or when to determine whether we will travel this road or not… I cannot even describe how critical this point is in our walk on this earth; when asked about the time when God’s kingdom would be reestablished, Jesus said "No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. It’s a downward spiral when we begin to act as if we know things and as if we are perfect without flaws or blemishes… The Pharisee’s missed the chance of walking in direct line with Jesus Christ because of the lack of humility and understanding who they were and what He really meant… It’s okay if you have fallen short today, yesterday or even tomorrow; what’s unacceptable is when you act as if it did not happen or that you can overcome the setback on your own accord… This principle must be applied to our lives, we have to look at ourselves as sheep and declare that we need our shepherd with us… We must acknowledge that we don’t want to wander off course anymore and that we want to be about the business of our Father… It is because of the mistakes and errors we make when we try to walk in our own will as oppose to the will of God which leads to what Isaiah says in that the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all… Jesus died for you and the errors you make today are proof of that… His death was not in vain; however, I feel sorry for the one who doesn’t recognize the door which He opened and instead, they continue to wander off course with a dead end laying before them… While we were yet sinners, Christ died for US… Just think about that statement for a second, don’t become distracted or continue to read this message; just simply reflect on that opening statement! In all your mess, in all your shortcomings, in all your bad decisions, 

Christ died for you! He said even though you have messed up I see a need in your life that I am going to fill… Isaiah reminds us today of how magnificent God is; he declares to us today that Grace and Mercy that Christ continues to bestow on mankind… He was living in Glory, sin was foreign to him and his name was praised all day long; yet he thought it not robbery to come down from his thrown to give you a chance to have eternal life… He wanted to share his kingdom with you, He wanted to see you at times when sin was destroyed and peace fills your life… He wanted to see the tears removed from you eyes and the joy shown through your bright smiles… We all have fallen short, we have turned our backs on the Lord and he took all of our sin, he took all of our filth and said I will pay your debt; I will be bruised and pierced because I love you… I will endure the hardships that come my way because I don’t want to see you bogged down any longer… This is what Christ thinks of you, this is how much you mean to him; this is why He took the form of man and died the most humiliating death on earth! He said I am dying so you can live, I am clothed in imperfection that you may be perfected; I am starving so that you have be filled… I have seen your pain, I have seen your sorrows and its just touch much for me to sit back and watch you endure without comfort or a friend… Allow me to lighten your burden, allow me to take some of this load off of your back and serve you! God is truly awesome, just look at where your life should be and where you are to know how true that statement really is…The sooner that your recognize the errors of your ways, the sooner God can groom your through them and lead you to the divine destiny He designed uniquely for you before your conception in your mother’s womb…


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