Thursday, April 13, 2017

Trials Remind Us That God Is In Control

Moses replied, "When I have gone out of the city, I will spread out my hands in prayer to the LORD. The thunder will stop and there will be no more hail, so you may know that the earth is the LORD's.
Exodus 9:29
Some of the obstacles that you face in life are not only to humble you, but they also allow you to see the very power of God in action… The children of God were in slavery at the hands of Pharaoh; Moses was called by the Lord to lead His people out from slavery to the Promise Land… We all know how Pharaoh continued to harden his heart and suffered great lose even to the point of losing his very own son before submitting to the will of God… This verse today speaks to us from two different perspectives… The first perspective is that we often times suffer in our lives because of a (n) unwillingness to allow the move of God to take place… Not everything that the Lord commands will be something you agree with; not every decision or course of action that comes from the mouth of the almighty will be pleasant to your ears; however, the command of God must be the priority in your life instead of the voice of your peers… There are so many of us enduring trials and tribulations because we are listening to people instead of the voice of the Lord… We all know that Pharaoh ended up dying in the Red Sea; however, it took the very death of his son to submit to the will of God… Ask yourself today; how much do you have to suffer or lose before aligning your thoughts and desires with the will of God…? You cannot be a man or woman of faith by mere words, you cannot walk the will of God without taking a step and today we are reminded  that we must know and understand the desires of God… Moses was a man which was second-guessing the place of God in his life, he wanted to provide God with an excuse instead of recognizing His ability and power… This same thing plagues us today; we make excuses about our abilities because are looking at our own strengths verses the very strength of God… 

The Lord will make ways, He will open doors and He will make your paths clear and straight… You must trust Him and not waver… Moses saw signs of God’s ability which led him to go back to the very land that he fled after killing an Egyptian… You don’t have to let your past mistakes and failures keep you from going to higher heights and reaching new levels… Moses when from a man of fear to a man of faith when walking under the leadership of the Lord… You can be transformed, you can be taken to another level and you can be even more than you thought possible… At one time Moses was fleeing Pharaoh, now he says, "When I have gone out of the city, I will spread out my hands in prayer to the LORD.” You trials are serving a purpose, the things you are suffering now could’ve possibly been avoided; however, learn from them and grow in them… The second teaching we find in this passage is that your trails are a sign of God’s presences and not absences… Often times we categorize suffering or trials as a negative thing in our lives; however, the word of God says that there are and were several times where God allowed things to happen… God wants you undivided attention, He has so much in store for you, but He needs you to grow and learn to stay focused on Him… Moses says, “The thunder will stop and there will be no more hail, so you may know that the earth is the LORD's.” There are things you face so that you can see God move… There are situations you know that you could not have come out of if it wasn’t for the very presences and mercy of God… These trials you face are a testimony to the faithfulness of God… 

The hail fell all over the land, the thunder roared as loud as can be; however, through prayer all ceased… Understand today that you can control the things you go through and the outcome of the situations that you face through prayer… The things you face are not to drive you away from God but to drive you more closer to Him… Moses was the one that grow the most through these plagues, this is why he was able to stand between the Red Sea and Pharaoh’s army and simply lift his hands up to the Lord… You are growing amidst the turbulence in your life… You are maturing through the seasons of rain and famine… You are being molded by the very hand of God through the trials and hardships of this life… Continue to look to Him, continue to trust Him and continue to hold on to His unchanging hand… The enemy may think at times that he has you defeated; however, the very will of God will not only bring you out, it will also declare to all the witness that He is in control… Keep praying when you go through, keep looking up when you want to drop your head in defeat and keep pressing forward when you want to turn back… The thunder and hail suffered a purpose back then and is serving a purpose now… Jesus said, "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." In Him you will have peace; in other words, don’t look at the storm, just focus on the rainbow that will appear when it’s over… Others will see the rain and flee; however, they will be drawn by the rainbow that appears in the end...

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