Monday, January 5, 2015

We Owe It All To God

"For of him, and through him, and to him, are all things: to whom be glory for ever. Amen."

Romans 11:36

You live for Him because of the life that you have through Him and all of this is even possible because of His death on the cross, which simple means that you owe everything to Him… This is the crux of Paul’s message in our focus verse today… Everything that you do, everything that you accomplish and every goal you reach is because of Jesus Christ… It is only by the grace and mercy of God that you and I are here today… Make no mistake about it; don’t even think for a moment that you had anything to do with you getting up today nor the alarm clock that sounded this morning… It is for God’s glory (For Him) and exaltation that you saw another day; its through(through Him) His divine power and authority that you are here and because of this your days should be lived according to His precious promises knowing that you owe it all (to Him)… Everything you do in life should be prompted by your willingness to live so that God may be exalted… Because of all that He has already done and the doors that He has already opened; He indeed is due all honor and praise… Today let us look at the priorities that we have in life… Paul writes to the Church of Rome reminding them of who it is that comes first in all that we do… Every action that we partake in should be “of Him”, every blessing we receive is “through Him” and every praise and thanksgiving we render should be “to Him…” This message today is a powerful that we must really observe and understand… Often times we simply call the name of the Lord out of frustration, worry or impatience… The only time we utter Jesus name is when we are in need or simply blaming Him for our problems and predicaments… 

Paul’s letter emphasizes that fact that it is only by the power, grace and mercy of Christ that we are even alive, it is only by His love that we have a (n) opportunity to inherit Eternal Life and it is through His saving power that we can go approach the heavens through prayer… This passage serves as a reminder to all know matter where you are in life… If you are in a humble state you must learn to acknowledge the Lord and lean not to your own understanding… Likewise, if you have all the physical prosperities that one could desire, you must steal learn to praise God and be thankful for His bountiful blessings; it doesn’t matter where you are, but it does matter that you still see God the same way… Your promotion was made possible by Him, be thankful… Your tight budget that keeps the bills paid on time is proof that God hasn’t forgot about you, be thankful… Thank God for being God and this should be the foundation of your praise… This God has spared you time and time again, this God has allowed calamity in your life to build you up and not tear you down as the enemy has intended… You have a whole lot to be thankful for today because you under your own power would have loss a long time ago; however, through the Grace and Mercy of God you have been sustained and will prevail under His mighty hand and heart full of compassion… You should be giving God the highest praise in everything that you do or endure because you know that your very life is an act of Grace… The Church of Rome was subject to many kinds of people just as our churches are today… You have those who serve the Lord genuinely, those who serve out of tradition and those who serve for popularity… 

This message today applies to every category that was listed in the previous sentence; never forget that God is the reason you have got to where you are, never forget that He thought it not robbery to leave His home in glory, never forget that He looked beyond your faults and saw your needs, never forget that without Christ you are nothing and Eternal Life is not possible… The bible says that before the earth was formed God existed… Don’t become so bogged down in physical promotions and pleasing man that you take away from the true provider of the blessings you receive… Paul was a educated man with a serious void in his life until he met Jesus… There are many people that you encounter that appear to be well-off, but they have serious voids in their lives because they don’t know the Lord… It is of the utmost importance that you live your life as a Living Sacrifice… Every step you take is a testimony; your life either displays the love of God or detracts from it… Paul reminds us that we must acknowledge God in everything… Remember that He touched you this morning, He clothed you in your right mine, He has placed food on your table and clothes on your back… He deserves all the honor, all the glory and all the praise… Give your life to Him by living according to His will… Once we decide to walk under the direction of God, we fulfill the words of this scripture and we bring glory to God by our living… Paul said we are called to be living sacrifices because it’s our reasonable service… When you think of all the flaws God has looked past, when you think about all the mistakes He has wiped away, when you think about all the blessings He has provided that you didn’t deserve, it is more than reasonable to give it back to Him… It’s more than reasonable for you to acknowledge that “For of Him and through Him and to Him, are all things: to whom be glory forever. Amen”


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