Thursday, January 1, 2015

In 2015; God's Gonna Do It

Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even for ever. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will perform this.

Isaiah 9:7

There is nothing of this world or in it that can stop the power and will of God… Today’s message provides a since of comfort and encouragement for the believer while serving notice and warning to those who walk in darkness… There are things in life that may cause stress and hardship, there are situations that may bring unease and hesitation; however, the things which we endure in this life are simple measures of preparation for what God has in store when we walk by faith and not sight… In reading this passage I am of the belief that adversity is what separates a child of God from those who are of the world… Understand what this verse says to us today; Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end… Not only is the authority and peace of God present; it is growing stronger and increasing in every aspect of our lives… When you know that God is in charge you can then look at the enemy and put him in his rightful place… Satan wants you to believe that he has power when in fact Isaiah reminds us that all power dwells in the hand of God… This is not to say that you will not be subject to trying times or persecutions, what this passage instills in us today is that we will make it through by the hand of God and not our own; you will not be able to take credit for things that take place in your life; the very authority of God will be unleashed in your life and you will be quoting the end of this verse which says The zeal of the Lord of Hosts has performed this… Your life is God’s canvass; He is painting the masterpiece of your life one stroke at a time… 

The first stroke made by an artist has no meaning to the observer until the picture begins to come together… Each stroke is viewed from various perspectives with some being in awe while others are gazing in through the eye of confusion… The believer in Christ is in awe of God with every situation plastered on the canvass of life; the one of this world will become frustrated while trying to figure out the situation not knowing and realizing it is a piece of the puzzle… This same rule applies to our steps in the will of God… There are things in our lives what will not make since to us, but the truth of the matter is that we are the observers… We don’t know the end result, what we do know is that each stroke makes perfect since to our creator and knowing that He will increase on this earth is more than enough information for me to trust the process which He has begun in me… This is how we trust God in every circumstance and why Isaiah was able to tell us a few chapters later that the Lord will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you…. Stay focused on walking in the will of God even though you don’t know the end result… Take comfort in knowing that His path is right because His will indeed will prevail and the finish product will make sense when the strands of your life are tied together… It is very hard to maintain your faith in a faithless world; however, this passage calls for you to trust in God and not your own abilities… Remember that the Israelites were in bondage for over 70 years; they faced hardships and tribulations almost everyday throughout the process of God’s will being fulfilled in their lives… 

It was during these times where I am sure that the doubt of God’s ability and power were in the forefronts of their minds; however they were soon delivered and reconciled back to their creator… I make this point to say that you will surely face tough times and challenges, there may even be days where you think God is not existent; however, take heart in knowing that you will come out because of the lover and mercy of God… Christ will rule and His judgment and justice will last from henceforth even for ever… We are assured today by the mouth of the prophet Isaiah that God is still in control… The Israelites were dealing with oppression, bondage and persecution; Isaiah is reminding them that even in times of despair God is present… The children of God were dealing with the feelings of abandonment, fear, and isolation; again Isaiah is saying do not become weak, but understand that God is indeed faithful and always will be! The prophet is speaking of Israel’s deliverance; he is speaking on their freedom and the fact that God never turned his back on them… He is saying that the throne of David will surely stand and last forever… We know that Christ was born unto that bloodline and the prophet is saying that your breakthrough is coming, the savior shall appear and peace will be established! Today let us take this verse and apply it to our very own lives, understand that God has not forgotten about you, know that he still sits high but looks low… Know that he is always present and walking right beside you! There will be times of despair, their will be times of disappointment and persecutions, but take joy in knowing that trouble doesn’t last always, take pride in knowing that joy comes in the morning, smile because you know that we are to consider it pure joy when we face trials! Your trials are preparing you for your exaltation… Isaiah knew that the children of God were becoming weary and he is reminding them of God’s faithfulness… Let us be reminded today that we are just fine!


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