Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Worship In Spirit And In Truth...

But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him. God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.

John 4:23-24

The hour is upon us when the true Christian must rise amidst the naysayers and adversities of life to declare their loyalty in and through Christ no matter the circumstance or situation… There are far to many of us that cower in the face of opposition; there are to many of us that have allowed opportunities to witness pass us by and John reminds us today that God knows us by our worship… Worship is more than just attending a church service, singing in the choir and praying; worship is a total reverence and love which is display throughout the course of our lives no matter the location… Notice that John says the true worshippers… You have to be about the business of God at every turn of your life to be a qualified member of this statement… There are to many people seeing another side of you when you are a around them instead of seeing the worship and adoration that you have for Christ… John goes on to say in the 8th chapter, Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." I recite this verse to reinforce the point that God knows you by your actions which display the truths that live within you… A lot of us are still captive to the past failures or mistakes of yesterday because we have not acknowledged our wrongdoing and allowed the truth to set us free… Since we have not aligned ourselves with the truth, we also find ourselves incapable of worshipping God in the true spirit which He requires… This alone can be the very picture that someone needed drawn today to know the reason behind why it feels as though God has not moved on your behalf or that you prayers are going unanswered… You must be truthful in your spirit with the Lord, He knows your deepest and darkest secrets; however, He is waiting for you to turn your life over to Him so that He can in turn take you to another level… Make no mistake about it; this journey of a Christian is filled with ups and downs… The experiences of highs and lows can quickly turn one to question their belief and desire to follow the call of God… Understand today, not only do we all have to face persecutions, but that these very trials that we face separate the true Christians from the impostors… There is a story in the bible that talks about “a wise ruling…” In 1 Kings 3:16-28 the bible records two prostitutes which lived together in a house… Each of them conceived a son; however one of them lay upon there son in the night and accidentally killed him… The story goes on to say that the woman who had killed her son got up and swapped babies with the other, leaving her dead son at the side of the other… When the lady arose to feed her son, she found him dead but soon realized that this was not her child… The matter was taken to the courts where the judge had told the women that he would have the baby cut and half and each would receive a part… At this, the real mother of the child decided that she would rather let the child live with another woman than to have him killed… Once she said this, the judge knew who the real mother was and awarded her the child… This story brings thoughts to my mind about our spiritual walk because we have to be willing to remain faithful even in the most difficult situations… So might say, why was this woman willing to give up her son and the reason is because of the love she had for him but also because of the faith she had in God…

This is the kind of worshippers that John is speaking about in these verses… The time of people talking about faith as ended; we must show the faith we have by the life that we live… Notice the characteristics of a true worshipper… They worship in spirit and in truth… The spirit is indwelling; it lies within and leads our actions and emotions… When we worship God in spirit we worship Him in the most secret of places (our heart)… We worship Him from deep down inside and sometimes in true worship our emotions can get the best of us… True worship was shown when David danced out of his clothes, true worship was shown when John stood at the foot of the cross, true worship was shown when Stephen was stoned to death and the greatest worship was Jesus laying down His life on the cross… God isn’t looking for men pleasers, He is looking for people who have experienced His favor, who know that it is a privilege to be alive and who trust Him with their whole heart… Notice that Judge says, the hour has come… We have been playing long enough, we have allowed people around us to suffer long enough… It’s time for you to take a stand in your homes, it’s time for you to take a stand on your job, and it’s time for you to take a stand in your relationship… Stop allowing your faith to be hidden or trampled on, stop allowing people to deny the power that God has or the will He has planned for your life… In the midst of trials, don’t focus on the problem; instead praise God in advance for the solution… My sister once told me, when you face a storm, don’t tell God how big your storm is; instead tell the storm how big your God is… We must learn to do that today… This is true worship, the ability to honor, adore and appreciate God even in the worse of times… True worship isn’t praying when something goes wrong, it’s praying without ceasing… True worship isn’t praying when you are sick, it’s thanking Him for each and every day that you have already seen knowing that He has kept you… See a lot of us worship God either when we need something or when we receive something; however, the true worshipper will worship God simply because He is God and beside Him there is no other… Will the true worshipers please stand up? God is calling you to show your face; the Lord is not looking for the one who continues to be a physical presence but absent in the spiritual realm. See, a true worshiper gives God the praise when blessing are poured out from heaven, the true worshiper STILL gives God the praise in the midst of a storm, yes; the true worshiper is NOT just being outspoken to win ears, but he/she is outspoken to win souls for Christ. Finally, the true worshiper doesn’t question God when the foundation of there life is rocked, but continues to (wait on the Lord) knowing that there strength will be renewed. Peter worshipped God; however in the face of opposition he left the courtyard weeping… When the spirit of the Lord came upon him and he was faced with opposition again, we see him take a stand and 3,000 souls be saved… The question today is, are you a true worshipper? If so, please stand up?


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