Wednesday, June 6, 2012

It's Above Your Wildest Dream...

But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.

1 Corinthians 2:9

You haven’t seen all that God has in store for you; the best indeed is yet to come… Even though you may be facing a hardship or trying time in your life, you can take pleasure in knowing that God is with you and is working behind the scenes… Paul encourages us to know that “It is written…” Today declare to the adversary that your victory is certain and his defeat is imminent… Count it all joy when you go through as we studied previously because you know that “Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.” Despite what you face, despite how challenging the terrain may appear, know that the battle has already been won and you are on the horizon of greatness… Today’s passage simply tells us that what God has in store for us is unmatched by the snares and traps that the enemy lays in front of us daily… This passage also tells us that no matter what kind of storm you face, you can rest assured that “this too shall pass…” There is a powerful message that Paul is sending through today’s devotion scripture, he is calling for you to declare when you are faced with opposition that “it is written…” The word “but” at the beginning of this verse negates all that precedes it…  You may have made mistakes, but the wisdom you have found in Christ will assure you that great things are in store (things you can’t even imagine)… Your storm has a conclusion that has already been penned, your hardships have an expiry date and just like Paul told the Church of Rome, “I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that is to be revealed to us.” Your wildest dreams aren’t wild enough; your highest goals don’t even compare and your desires aren’t even on the same plateau of what God has in store for you… Paul’s letter to the church of Corinth reminds us today that no man knows or has even heard of the things that God has prepared for those who love Him… I can image what life would be like if we didn’t have crime, I can envision how life would be if we didn’t have aches and pains; however, even the visions we have, the images we see and the outlines of this perfect world we sketch aren’t even close to how things will actually be… This is good news to those who love the Lord because this tells me that it will even be better than I imagine… Have you ever anticipated something in your life and when it arrived it was not only worth the wait, but it completely blew your mind? Have you ever patiently waited for a time to come and when it came you knew that all your patience paid off… Jesus said that when He left the earth He was going to prepare a place for us… I believe that this place is going to be awesome, it is going to be beyond our wildest dreams and that everything we endure on this earth, everything we deal with throughout our lives will not even compare to the goodness of God… I imagine that for every trial we face or every temptation we overcome, an abundance of prosperity is in heaven deposited to our eternal accounts… I believe that this city will indeed be perfect and all of our dreams will be filled beyond the limits that we have…

Paul says that no man knows; understand today that in this life we have and will only experience on this earth just a small portion of God’s love, grace and mercy (this alone should make you excited)! God has been good to us, but yet and still He has saved the best for last… As a child of God this gives me the motivation to keep fighting and not give up, this gives me the strength to keep going and not become weary in well doing… I know that my father is watching over me and when this life is over my days in eternity will be well worth my battles upon this earth…Every time you feel down and out think about the things to come… Every time you wan to give up think about what’s in store… Think about it not because you know everything that is coming, but because you know that whatever you imagine still is futile to what it will actually be… I imagine that we will walk streets of gold when I feel like this road of life is too hard, I imagine that there will be no more pain when I feel like the weight of the world is upon my shoulders and I imagine that Sabbath will have no end when my alarm clock goes off early in the morning… Even in all my imaginations, Paul says the things God has for me haven’t even entered my heart… There is no understanding of comprehension to the magnitude of what God will and can do…The streets of gold will be better than advertised, the pain free living will be better than originally thought and the rest will be sweeter than I could ever dream… Image that when this life is over and you have completed the race on this side of Zion, that God has built a mansion just for you. Once you have passed the test and tribulations of this world, that you will walk the streets of gold. Stress will be gone, work will all be over, sorrow and pain are a distant memory, and the devil has been sent with all his followers to eternal damnation. This is all true and made known to us through the promises of God in His holy word. What’s funny is that that would be all I need to hear and know; however, we have been promised all that in more if we love Him and do His will. Even with that, it doesn’t end there; He has more in store for those who hold on to His unchanging hand. So, be strong and keep the faith, no matter what people say, God is in the blessing business, and He has definitely mastered that craft… He gave His son to save us from our destination, now He wants to take care of us and supply our every need. I have dreamed many times of things and have sadly come to know that things were not what I imagined (disappointed, upset)… Today let us dream of the days to come knowing that when it arrives it will blew our minds, take our breath away and have tears of joy rolling down our faces.. Crazy to imagine a day like that I know, but as Paul tells us today, IT”S TRUE!!!


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