Saturday, June 23, 2012

He's Worthy of Glory, Honor & Power...

"Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created."

Revelation 4:11

The message of our focus verse today is quite simple; don’t forget who the creator is…? Keep in mind today of who formed you in your mother’s womb and who has kept you thus far… The best temptation that we face in life is taking great for things that happen as positives in our lives… It is so easy for us to question God when things don’t go according to plan; however, it is just as easy to say I when things work in your favor or on your behalf… John reminds us today to bring into captivity that the Lord is worthy to receive glory and honor and power, for He created all things… Your life should be overflowing with thanksgiving to God because He and He alone has you where you are today… For those who may say that I am not happy where I am, you should be thankful that you still have a opportunity (if you are reading this message you are alive) to gain the knowledge and wisdom that comes from your current situation so that you can go to the next level that Christ has for you… This passage puts forth the importance of the glory, honor and power that is due to the father… Turnover every situation to Him, trust that He can do anything but fail and know that there is a reason in everything that happens and a method to the madness… John wants you to know today that when you open your mouth to the Lord the words that come out should be words of praise and humility before Him… So many of us have gotten bold (this is not the boldness that we are to have as mentioned in Hebrews 4:16) with the Lord and we wonder why things have not gotten better… You complain about your problems instead of asking God to open your eyes to see and understand the message amidst the storm… In everything that you achieve or any measure of praise that is directed toward you, remember that all these things are made possible because of the grace that has been bestowed upon you… You are alive not because of your alarm clock or a dream this day; it is because of His grace… You are able to make it through storm after storm and trial after trial not because of your perseverance, but His grace…

John challenges us to offer of praise in the midst of great hardship and travail… He challenges us to hold our head up in the midst of great affliction or suffering… You may ask how this is possible and it is possible by reading the way John concludes this revelatory verse… John ends the 11th verse by saying, “for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created." I know that someone may be saying right now, what does this have to do with the storms and trials that I face and the answer is that nobody knows the creation better than the creator… This is why you can give Him glory and honor; this is why you can turn the power over to the Lord concerning your situation… You were created in the image of God, you were formed for His purpose and designed with a unique plan… You can smile in the face of adversity because you know that the creator knows the limits of His creation… God will never put more on you than you can bear… He has you in the palm of His hand and no man can pluck you out… You can give Him glory, honor and power for He has created all things… The storms you face, He knows how to overcome it, the trials that have been created to hold you down He designed to prop you up… The stumbling blocks that lay before you are really stepping stones leading you to your destiny… Stand still today and know that God is God… John says that everything was created for His pleasure… God doesn’t gain pleasure out of the suffering of His people, He gains pleasure when they overcome and turn to Him… God will gain pleasure out of the things that you go through because they are designed to turn you to Him and your destiny… Joseph, the son of Jacob received dreams from the Lord about His life and told His brothers; the bible declares that in the book of Genesis his brothers were envious of him and sought to get rid of him… After placing him in a cistern (there was no water) and eventually selling him into slavery; Joseph goes on to be falsely imprisoned at the hands of potiphar’s wife; however, in the end the dreams that God gave Joseph at the age of 17 was still fulfilled and he was able to look back and say, “You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.” There is an expected end for you and the creator knows that needs to happen in the creations life in order for it to come to pass… Stay before the Lord not because of the situation, but because you know that His plan is perfect and you will emerge from the fire as pure gold… For that alone, God truly is worth of all glory, honor and power…


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