Friday, October 4, 2024

You're Not Alone

Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith.

Hebrews 12:1-2

Studies have shown and proven that it is easier to run when you are not hindered in some way… Today’s passage starts off by teaching us two very critical points regarding our mission and ministry in Christ; the first is that we must surround ourselves with people of faith and the second is that we must “lay aside every weight”… When we are surrounded by God-fearing individuals, we put ourselves in a position to prosper and grow in Christ… I can count plenty of times when I felt down and in despair and it was the encouraging words of a man or woman of God that kept me from giving in to the mental snares of the enemy… Understand today what the author means when he says, “Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses…” Everything that you are currently going through, somebody has been there and seen the hand of God move… Even though you may feel alone, there is a testimony that speaks to your current circumstance… A witness is someone who has seen, viewed, or observed something… I think we all are witnesses to God’s sovereign power and saving Grace…  How often do you take an in-depth look into the people you are surrounded by or allow into your inner circle? 

I ask these questions because the author of Hebrews declares a powerful point today that we must grasp and meditate on when he says, we have a great cloud of witnesses… Being surrounded by the right kind of people in your life is of the utmost importance in fulfilling the will and vision that God has for your life… A lot of us have been encamped or associated with the wrong type of people and it is because of this that we haven’t been able to adhere to the next step in this verse which is to “lay aside every weight and sin…” Notice that the passage says weight and sin. You can have a weight in your life which hinders you; however, it is not a sin... Be mindful of what is slowing you down or having an influence on your life. We often try to avoid sins; however, many of us have weights limiting us from ascending to the heights God has defined for us. Let us remember who has made this day possible (the air you breathe and the blood flowing within your veins). Through all your heartache, through your suffering and pain, remember that Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever… He will hear your faintest cry, He is your comforter, He is your strength, and He is your prosperity. He died on the cross so you can live, and surely He wants to see you live throughout all eternity. He will finish what He started; you just keep your faith and surround yourself with people of that same faith…


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