Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Love Conquers All

There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.

1 John 4:18

In the 15th chapter of the gospel of John, in the 13th verse Jesus says, “Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.” The point that Jesus made is echoed in our focus verse today. Even amid the garden of Gethsemane (as Jesus sweat drops of blood wishing that the cup of crucifixion and the separation from God would pass), we see that due to His love, He endured the cross and all the torment that came with it… What do you mean when you tell someone I love you? What is it that that person is supposed to understand about you and how you feel toward them? John informs us of the true meaning of love today, that it outweighs fear and will cause you to become fearless… If a parent sees their child walk into a street with a car approaching, they will risk their lives to save their child, if a house is burning down, a parent will overlook the flames to get their children out safely… This is the kind of love that John is speaking about today; true love gives you the ability to look beyond circumstances to fill the needs of another… To say you love someone means that you can look beyond the flaws; you can look beyond the shortcomings and open yourself up for that person… 

The greatest example we have of love is Jesus Christ's death on the cross… Every drop of blood that came down His face had one of our names written in it, every time He cried out from the cross, He was overlooking the pain to fulfill the need we all had… When we understand and realize what love is, we will also acknowledge that the word love has lost its meaning in today’s society; it is flung around from person to person like a basketball in a game… You constantly hear people saying I love you, only to see that love manifested in ways that would beg the differ. Our scripture informs us that there is no fear in love; a lot of us claim to be children of God and say we love Him, but John is reminding us that if you love God you trust Him and turn your life over to Him… A lot of us haven’t and will not experience true love because we “fear” what people might say, we “fear” what people will think and we “fear” change… John is telling us today that when we overcome our fears we will then be able to experience perfect love. Another point we see about love is that as a child of God, we can’t become fearful when things don’t go the way we planned; we can’t become intimidated when the chips seem to be stacked up against us, and become fearful when storms approach our lives… The word of God has told us that trials serve a purpose in our lives and these situations, obstacles, hardships, occasions, and adversities are actually placed in your life to show you the love that God has for you… John goes on to say that perfect Love casteth out fear… In other words, Love Conquers All...


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