Thursday, October 17, 2024

Don't Get Caught Up In Worldly Appearance

Let not thine heart envy sinners: but be thou in the fear of the LORD all the day long. For surely there is an end; and thine expectation shall not be cut off.

Proverbs 23:17-18

You may be at a point in your life where it seems like everyone around you isn’t following the will of God. You may be battling in the mind with staying the course and holding to God’s unchanging hand because the grass appears to be greener on the other side; wherever you are in your life or whatever you are battling today, know that Solomon reminds us today to “Let not thine heart envy sinners…” The prize you are working and competing for may not be seen on this earth, but you can rest your thoughts today on knowing that “there is an end…” The broad path many follow appears to be the right direction to go; however, the end is destruction and resentment… Solomon followed the ways of the land even though he was the wisest man to ever live and in his wisdom, he instills in us the fact that the most important thing we must do on this earth is “be thou in fear of the Lord all the day long…” Despite what questions or concerns you may have about your situation, you must maintain your reverence and admiration for the Lord… The Bible declares that as a child of God, we walk “by faith” and not “by sight…” This is mentioned to us because if we walked according to the things we see and observe we would become disheartened by circumstances, we would give in to temptations and eventually stray away from God. This is why we are called to remain in fear of Him and remember that everything that doesn’t align with the will of God “shall be cut off”, while those who walk according to His purpose“shall not be cut off…” We must understand that in doing the will of God, we must have a heart for service and not be distracted by our peers…


Wednesday, October 16, 2024

His Return Is Imminent

And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be.  I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.

Revelation 22:12-13

We do not know the end of our day; however, we know that an end is coming… I hope to see my children and children’s children, but the truth of the matter is that my life could come to an end before the sunsets… Oftentimes we don’t want to think or even talk about this truth, but we are reminded that each day we see on this earth is one we will never see again and there will be a day that others will see and we will not… I presume that we all have heard the phrases “Tomorrow is never promised” or “don’t wait until tomorrow?” If you have, the question that I pose to you today is do you truly believe them? As a child of God, we are to live every day of our lives as if it’s our last, we are to let the light that God has placed within us shine for all mankind to see… Sadly, the reality is that we constantly place God on the back burner in our lives, we place value on other things and people, but today we are reminded that we must “seize the moment because God indeed is coming quickly…” Believe it or not, but every day of our lives that passes by, every second that flashes before our eyes is another opportunity that we can take a step closer to Christ or stray away… In which direction are you going?  


Tuesday, October 15, 2024

In Christ Whom Shall I Fear

"The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear" the LORD is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid"

Psalm 27:1

We live in a dark and aimless world; one that will lead you astray if you don’t know the passage that we focus on in today’s devotion… There are many things that we are susceptible to in this life; many avenues that we can take that will lead us down a path of destruction… God's word declares, For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. The paths we see leading toward darkness are more visible and enticing than the paths that lead to Christ; however, despite what you see around you and how things may appear, you must focus your eye on the narrow path that leads to life… Everything around you says that you can’t amount to anything and the statistics say that you will fall into one of many unsuccessful categories; however, you can use these things to motivate you instead of deterring you. 

Let the world know that “The Lord is my light and my salvation…” I don’t know about you, but I refuse to be a statistic, I refuse to allow this world to limit me and dictate my future based on my ethnicity or past… God wants to open your eyes to a bright future, He wants to transform your mind to begin to look beyond what you know and see,; however, the key to all this is for you to recognize that you can be better than you are and go further than you currently have gone…  As a child of God, our focus should be on living a pleasing life to the Lord and not appeasing our fellowman… Even though we are sure to face highs and lows on the roller-coaster called life, our focus on God and His will for us cannot be altered. Don't fear the heights or depths you experience. Don't be afraid to take a step out on Faith... Remember in Christ, whom shall I fear... Nothing should be feared in Christ, try something new, go after that dream, and silence the voices telling you that failure is the only end result... Even when we are at our lowest, Christ is using that to propel you higher! 


Friday, October 11, 2024

The Promises Of God

And I will betroth thee unto me for ever; yea, I will betroth thee unto me in righteousness, and in judgment, and in lovingkindness, and in mercies. I will even betroth thee unto me in faithfulness: and thou shalt know the LORD. 

Hosea 2:19-20

God wants you to know today that He loves you… Despite how many mistakes you have made or the direction your life may be headed; we are reminded today that God wants to have a relationship with you, He wants to form a union with you that will last forever… The word of God tells us in Paul’s first epistle to the church of Corinth that love is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.” I am sure that there are things that you have done in life that you are not proud of, there are things that have happened in your life that you don’t want people to know; however, understand today that the Lord isn’t holding your past over your head; He is looking beyond your faults and wants to fulfill all your needs… Love sees the beauty amidst the mess, it sees the diamond in the rough and the worth surrounded by unworthiness… God wants to commit to you through whatever you have gone through or are going through… Yes, you have messed up, yes you have fallen short, yes you have gone the wrong way, and yes you have made some bad choices. But even still don’t let the enemy lead you to believing that there isn’t a better tomorrow or a brighter future for you… God betroths you; He is standing with open arms, He desires to give you another chance and wants to bring righteousness, loving-kindness, and mercies into your heart and your home… This is why Hosea starts our focus verses by saying “And I will betroth thee unto me for ever…” Hosea was a minor prophet who was given a charge to present to the House of Israel... Through all the ups and downs that life had presented, through all the bad choices and decisions that the children of God had made, the Lord informs the Israelites that through it all He still has plans to be reunited with them… The same promise has been made to you!


Thursday, October 10, 2024

No Condemnation In Christ Jesus

There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death.

Romans 8:1-2

From your mother’s womb, you were on a path filled with the desires of the flesh that would lead to eternal damnation… This was the course that was laid before you until you decided to turn and follow Christ… Paul reminds us today that there are no chains or restrictions on us in the body of Christ… So many people have found themselves conforming to the ways of this world; however, we are to walk these streets with our heads held high declaring that “There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus…” You have been freed from the blood of the lamb… All your sins have been forgiven and the slate has been wiped clean… Even though we have a new lease on life, we are reminded that we are not condemned through today’s passage simply because there are a lot of people on this earth who will try to discredit you or cast you down… This world has a crabs-in-a-barrel mentality, which means that when someone is coming out, others will latch on to him to bring them back down…  I say that to say you will endure persecution for the name of Jesus, you will have many days where you want to give up or throw in the towel; however, you can smile in the face of your adversary because you know that what Paul declares later on in this chapter is true... In the 8th chapter, Paul says, I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that is to be revealed to us.” The growing pains in Christianity are real and you will endure much torment and pain as you transition your life and begin to focus on the things of Christ instead of the things of this world… You will have days where you feel alone and isolated as you learn to “walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit…” Paul wants to encourage you in your walk today because, in your maturation process, the enemy wants you to believe that you can’t win and that you are bound to fail… Christ has made you free and given you the ability to win; however, the choice is yours as to whether you take up your cross or lose your life… 


Wednesday, October 9, 2024

We Serve A Living God

...For he is the living God, and steadfast for ever, and his kingdom that which shall not be destroyed, and his dominion shall be even unto the end.

Daniel 6:26

Life is full of uncertainties; however, in our focus verse today we are assured of one thing… Daniel endured much torment and ridicule for His faith, after being imprisoned because of His God, we know the story of being cast into the lion’s den… I am sure that even though His faith did not waver, Daniel was uncertain about the outcome of His predicament… Today, I am sure that there are things in your life that don’t cause you to lose faith; however, they may have you in a position where you are unsure of how things will play out; it is in these perilous times and uncomfortable situations that we must come to know and remember that “He is the living God, and steadfast for ever…” The storms of life will have you tossing and turning from day to day, but you have an anchor whose name is Jesus that will keep you safe and stable… Even though things you hold dear to your heart on this earth can be taken from you in the blink of an eye, you can be encouraged today by knowing that “His kingdom shall not be destroyed…” The Bible declares that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever… This should provide good news to the body of Christ today as we are reminded that even though we will experience highs and lows in this life, we will never fall beyond the thermostat of God’s grace… The thermostat that is Jesus Christ maintains a steady environment within us while everything around us fluctuates from minute to minute… The passage taken from the prophetic book of Daniel reminds us that we serve a living God, today we are reminded that in serving God, we must trust Him in the most awkward and dangerous situations… 


Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Love Conquers All

There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.

1 John 4:18

In the 15th chapter of the gospel of John, in the 13th verse Jesus says, “Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.” The point that Jesus made is echoed in our focus verse today. Even amid the garden of Gethsemane (as Jesus sweat drops of blood wishing that the cup of crucifixion and the separation from God would pass), we see that due to His love, He endured the cross and all the torment that came with it… What do you mean when you tell someone I love you? What is it that that person is supposed to understand about you and how you feel toward them? John informs us of the true meaning of love today, that it outweighs fear and will cause you to become fearless… If a parent sees their child walk into a street with a car approaching, they will risk their lives to save their child, if a house is burning down, a parent will overlook the flames to get their children out safely… This is the kind of love that John is speaking about today; true love gives you the ability to look beyond circumstances to fill the needs of another… To say you love someone means that you can look beyond the flaws; you can look beyond the shortcomings and open yourself up for that person… 

The greatest example we have of love is Jesus Christ's death on the cross… Every drop of blood that came down His face had one of our names written in it, every time He cried out from the cross, He was overlooking the pain to fulfill the need we all had… When we understand and realize what love is, we will also acknowledge that the word love has lost its meaning in today’s society; it is flung around from person to person like a basketball in a game… You constantly hear people saying I love you, only to see that love manifested in ways that would beg the differ. Our scripture informs us that there is no fear in love; a lot of us claim to be children of God and say we love Him, but John is reminding us that if you love God you trust Him and turn your life over to Him… A lot of us haven’t and will not experience true love because we “fear” what people might say, we “fear” what people will think and we “fear” change… John is telling us today that when we overcome our fears we will then be able to experience perfect love. Another point we see about love is that as a child of God, we can’t become fearful when things don’t go the way we planned; we can’t become intimidated when the chips seem to be stacked up against us, and become fearful when storms approach our lives… The word of God has told us that trials serve a purpose in our lives and these situations, obstacles, hardships, occasions, and adversities are actually placed in your life to show you the love that God has for you… John goes on to say that perfect Love casteth out fear… In other words, Love Conquers All...


Monday, October 7, 2024

God Provides Wisdom And Knowledge

He giveth wisdom unto the wise, and knowledge to them that know understanding:  He revealeth the deep and secret things: he knoweth what is in the darkness, and the light dwelleth with him.

Daniel 2:21b-22

This passage taken from the book of Daniel reminds us of the awesome power of God! It starts by telling us that He has given each of us a unique gift, those who are to be wise shall receive wisdom; likewise, those who are to understand shall obtain knowledge… Wisdom is a step above knowledge and someone who is called wise has insight, intelligence, and acumen… A wise man can speak through personal experiences and things that have been learned throughout history… The wisest man to ever live was Solomon! He wrote the books of Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Songs of Solomon… One of Solomon’s greatest quotes is, “everything is meaningless, a chasing after the wind…” Solomon was king after his father David, it is recorded that he had over 700 wives and 300 concubines and women would be his ultimate downfall… The wisdom that God imparted to Solomon is the same that He imparts to mankind today; everything in this life (on this earth) is meaningless… The wise know that God is the answer and the source of our existence, the wise know that Jesus died so that we could live, the wise know that nothing of this world can compare to the love that God has for His creation… Some are wise through longevity and experiences; some are knowledgeable when it comes to certain situations and/or events… No matter how it is obtained, God provides wisdom and knowledge for us to live the lives we were designed to live and have a positive impact on all those whom we come in contact with.


Friday, October 4, 2024

You're Not Alone

Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith.

Hebrews 12:1-2

Studies have shown and proven that it is easier to run when you are not hindered in some way… Today’s passage starts off by teaching us two very critical points regarding our mission and ministry in Christ; the first is that we must surround ourselves with people of faith and the second is that we must “lay aside every weight”… When we are surrounded by God-fearing individuals, we put ourselves in a position to prosper and grow in Christ… I can count plenty of times when I felt down and in despair and it was the encouraging words of a man or woman of God that kept me from giving in to the mental snares of the enemy… Understand today what the author means when he says, “Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses…” Everything that you are currently going through, somebody has been there and seen the hand of God move… Even though you may feel alone, there is a testimony that speaks to your current circumstance… A witness is someone who has seen, viewed, or observed something… I think we all are witnesses to God’s sovereign power and saving Grace…  How often do you take an in-depth look into the people you are surrounded by or allow into your inner circle? 

I ask these questions because the author of Hebrews declares a powerful point today that we must grasp and meditate on when he says, we have a great cloud of witnesses… Being surrounded by the right kind of people in your life is of the utmost importance in fulfilling the will and vision that God has for your life… A lot of us have been encamped or associated with the wrong type of people and it is because of this that we haven’t been able to adhere to the next step in this verse which is to “lay aside every weight and sin…” Notice that the passage says weight and sin. You can have a weight in your life which hinders you; however, it is not a sin... Be mindful of what is slowing you down or having an influence on your life. We often try to avoid sins; however, many of us have weights limiting us from ascending to the heights God has defined for us. Let us remember who has made this day possible (the air you breathe and the blood flowing within your veins). Through all your heartache, through your suffering and pain, remember that Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever… He will hear your faintest cry, He is your comforter, He is your strength, and He is your prosperity. He died on the cross so you can live, and surely He wants to see you live throughout all eternity. He will finish what He started; you just keep your faith and surround yourself with people of that same faith…


Thursday, October 3, 2024

Trouble Won't Last Always

And, behold, I am with thee, and will keep thee in all places whither thou goest, and will bring thee again into this land; for I will not leave thee, until I have done that which I have spoken to thee of.

Genesis 28:15

“Behold, I am with thee…” This very statement should provide a source of strength for those who feel like giving up, this should provide energy for those who feel they have none left and hope for those who think they are lost… God is with you, through the good and the bad, the ups and the downs He is right by your side… Jacob has fled from the hands of Esau and at this point feels helpless and hopeless; however God informs Jacob of the same things that we need to be informed of when we face hardships, “He’s still with us…” Today’s focus verse deals with the promised blessings that a child of God will receive, but also shines light on the trials and storms we will encounter to get there… In the verses that precede this one, Isaac gave Jacob the firstborn blessing instead of Esau; Esau burned with anger toward Jacob and as a result, Jacob fled… We find Jacob on his journey to Paddam Aram to the house of Laban…

Jacob stops to sleep and uses a rock as his pillow, during his time of rest; God appears to him and speaks the words recorded in this verse… It is a blessing for us to know that God is always with us, but let us understand what that means… Too often we associate God with us to mean that we won’t have to deal with struggles or hardships, on the contrary, we are reminded that God is with us so that we won’t give up or feel abandoned when the storms intensify… Jacob was told by God that he would inherit the land which he slept on, we too have been promised a better tomorrow… Don’t give up, don’t give in, don’t become discouraged, trust in the Lord, Hold to his unchanging hand, and believe in the scriptures! “I will not leave thee, until I have done that which I have spoken to thee of…” God’s going to finish the work, God’s going to conclude the masterpiece and you will reach the heights He has called you to…



Wednesday, October 2, 2024

In Everything Give Thanks

Rejoice evermore. Pray without ceasing. In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

The will of God is that we should always be thankful, find a reason to rejoice, and continue to pray… No matter what storms come your way or obstacles you face, the challenge of every man and woman of God is to stay the course holding to the precious promises of God and making the most of every situation! Paul told the church of Philippi“I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.” The secret of being content is that you hold to the fact that God has seen you through your ups and downs, you smile because regardless of your abundance or lack, you still have a roof over your head and clothes on your back… I remind myself daily that things could always be worse and that only rejuvenates my joy. A child of God is known by actions, not by what they say… Paul’s letter to the church of Thessalonica reminds us that we are to praise God and pray to God continuously… When your time is devoted to praising God and praying, you have no room to complain, when your time is dedicated to giving thanks unto the Lord, you don’t have time to pout or throw temper tantrums… In the end, we will have uncontrollable joy and we will be caught up to a place where there will be no more weeping, crying, or sin!!!! So be thankful and press on!


Tuesday, October 1, 2024

You Shall Be Filled

"Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled." 

Matthew 5:6

Hunger and thirst are two conditions within our body that we feel daily… The average man can go just a few days without water and (maybe a week or two) without food before losing mental stability and life itself… The pains of hunger and the desire for water or drink can alter our attitude, conduct, way of life, and priority… No man wants to go without food or drink because of the state of misery, discomfort, and/or depression that he/she will be exposed to… We feed our body several times a day to satisfy a hunger or quench a thirst; however, within a few short hours, we are repeating this never-ending cycle. Everyone in this world is hungry or thirsty for something, but in today’s scripture, we find that only a desire for righteousness shall be filled… There are so many people on this earth who are pursuing so many things and even as they ascend to higher levels they are never satisfied with their gain… The thirst you have for success can never be filled if you don’t go to the source of Jesus Christ and drink… Only through Him can you be filled!

In the 4th chapter of the gospel of John, we find a story of Jesus' encounter with a Samaritan woman (also known as “the woman at the well”); in this passage, a back-and-forth dialogue takes place between her and Jesus about water. In the 13th through the  15th verse of this chapter we find these words recorded, Jesus answered, “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”  The woman said to him, “Sir, give me this water so that I won’t get thirsty and have to keep coming here to draw water.” 

The woman desired to be filled with the water of Jesus so that she would never have to come to that well again; however, the word of God goes on to say that Jesus had to show her to her own self first… You have been doing things your way long enough, you have been seeking the happiness you want on this earth and continue to fall short; your hunger has gone unsatisfied, your thirst has not been quenched and now is the time for you to be called blessed and filled not because you have obtained anything but because you have entrusted your care into the hands of Christ… This Samaritan woman is the symbol of our very lives… She was a prostitute, selling herself for scraps, never realizing her true potential… The money she made, or the room and board she obtained was enough for the night but not for the future… She was ready for a change and wanted to be filled… You can smile and fool everyone around you, but the truth of the matter is that you can never be filled or satisfied by the things of this world…