Monday, September 23, 2024

His Sheep Know His Name

My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:  And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.

John 10:27-28

A sheep is an animal steered and directed towards a certain destination; unlike many animals, sheep are aimless, harmless creatures that must be guided daily and protected… The Bible refers to mankind as sheep and this analogy fits us to a tee… Just as sheep, we wander through this life aimlessly with no sense of direction and if we aren’t guided, we will end up in harm’s way and be devoured…Sheep not only must be watched over just as we need to be, but they also must develop a sense of trust and obedience with their shepherd… Over time sheep learn the voice of their master and will follow without hesitation, we as Christians must mature in the same way, because of our sinful nature, we are not willing to follow Jesus at the outset of our lives; but with time, will not only learn to trust Him, but we learn to decipher His voice from the voice of the enemy… Christ says in this passage taken from John that His sheep hear His voice and that He knows them just as they know Him! Notice the first statement is rather general to the point that His sheep hear His voice, but the next statement shows that intimacy which must be present within our lives as Christians… Christ says, I know them and they follow me… Christ understands that you aren’t perfect, He knows that you make mistakes and what this passage informs me of is that He is ready and willing to protect you, but you must first hear His voice and follow Him… So many people hear the voice of the Lord calling them, but they don’t follow, they pretend to be okay and don’t seek the help and cure that only God can provide… A shepherd must protect His sheep or they will be lost, Jesus wants to protect you, but you must follow Him or you will indeed be lost… Jesus goes on to say, “I give them eternal life and they shall never perish…” As I stated earlier, sheep are aimless creatures, but here Jesus reminds us that He will give your life a sense of purpose, He will guide you in all your ways, and will make sure that you don’t perish… 

Listen to His voice, continue to walk in His path, and believe in His word!


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