Monday, September 30, 2024

Be Strong And Of Good Courage

"Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the LORD thy God, he it is that doth go with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee." 

Deuteronomy 31:6

On the verge of your Promise Land you will surely find opposition…  Too often people present a false doctrine and make the voyage of following Christ appear to be an easy task… We believe that we can win souls for Christ by delivering all the things that He will and can do for us and hope that the person we are entertaining doesn’t read the fine print or the disclaimer that informs them that they will deal with persecutions, hardships, and trials… As a child of God, we are to “consider it pure joy when we face trials” because we are being developed and molded… The pain you endure today releases the power you need to obtain victory tomorrow… Don’t be fooled by how things may appear in your life; instead, prepare yourself every morning to be attacked by the enemy… This is why we are charged by Paul to “Put on the whole amour of God…”  There is a battle taking place daily over your very soul and you must come to the realization that this is a reality that will be in place until Christ returns and you are called home… The message we learn from this text today is simple yet powerful… If I had to sum up the charge put forth from this passage I would warn, challenge, and encourage you by these words… God has already been where you are and where you are going… The path you are traveling had to be paved for you to travel it and the battles you encounter have already been won… With that being said, don’t let the appearance of things derail your divine reality…  


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