Thursday, January 19, 2023

Keep Trusting In The Lord

Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

Proverbs 3:5-6

A lot of us confess to having a relationship with the Lord; however, one must do a personal inventory to figure out how deep that relationship is… It is so easy to claim to love the Lord, but when things go south we often ask the question why me… As we ask this question, God answers us with a question of His own, do you trust me…? Are you trust in the Lord or in the things that you accredit Him for putting in your life…? Do you truly trust the Lord not only when things are calm in your life, but also when the storms are raging and you feel all alone…? When the storms of life come and adversity is present, then we display the true trust that we have (either in things or in God)… I can recall growing up and how it was instilled in me at a young age that the most important component of a relationship is trust… After thinking about this statement, I soon realized how many things branch off from that very word… If I cannot trust someone, I cannot have confidence in them, I cannot believe in them and I often times it's difficult to love them… Notice how the first verse of today's devotion starts; Solomon writes that we must “trust the Lord…” The desire which I must have as a child of God is to allow the Lord to direct my path, I want Him to lead me because I know that He won’t lead me astray; however, we must recognize if I don’t “trust” Him then I will not have a foundation or basis to follow His lead… 

Likewise, we must have complete confidence in the Lord in order to develop a secure foundation with Him… Think of it this way, if you didn’t trust your spouse or your boyfriend/girlfriend… How can you grow with them? If you didn’t trust them, what would be going through your mind every time you were not with them… The point is that you will be apprehensive and worried, both of which will lead to the decaying of your relationship… Solomon has been accredited to be the wisest man that ever lived… Today through these verses taken from Proverbs we can gain a better understanding as to why that is… Again, Solomon teaches us today that the most important thing for us to do in life is to trust the Lord, and to go even deeper, we must trust Him without a shadow of a doubt; this is why he goes on to say with all thine heart… Your faith in God cannot waver or be tossed to in fro, when this happens James tells us in his book that we will not receive of the Lord… There are a lot of people walking this earth who claim to trust God, but continue to try and handle situations under their own power and might… There are a lot of people who put trust in all the wrong things or people and end up depressed or angry. When one trusts something or someone, they have faith, belief, hope and confidence in the person or object… There are a lot of things that we trust without even noticing it; for example, when we sit down we trust that our chair will hold us up and that we will not fall… Solomon reminds us today that our trust must be established in the Lord… A chair can be broken, a relationship can fail, a loved one can pass away and a storm can arise… All these things can affect our lives and magnify everything that we deal with in this life; there is only one thing that remains constant, God… That's where are trust must reside!


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