Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Overcome Spiritual Blindness

The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints

Ephesians 1:18

Ephesus was a city full of superstition, magic, and all the other works which resembled that of a cult… It was the missionary journey of Paul (led by the Holy Spirit) to enter the city of Ephesus and open their eyes… A lot of times we see people who have gone the wrong way, we speak words about them but we never speak words to them… This is the message that I find so important for us to grasp in today’s focus verse… The people you encounter may not know what they’re doing is wrong, some of them may have very well been brought up with the notion that all the things that are being done are right and it is up to you to allow the Holy Spirit to move so that “The eyes of there understanding may be enlightened…” Not everybody needs to hear a word of encouragement, not everybody needs a pat on the back, some people in your life need to hear the truth in love, some people in your life need a stern kick in their backside… The ministry that God has placed in your life, you are accountable for; every person you encounter every day of your life should be impacted by the display of Christ in and through you… 

This is what Paul was saying in his letter to the Church of Rome when he said that we should be “a living sacrifice…” The problem that occurs in most of the lives of people who live according to this world is that they place their hopes in and on material things… People of the world have the belief that a high-paying job gives them hope for a bright future and stability; however, this is where their understanding must be enlightened… The eyes of this world must be opened and this can only be accomplished when people are taught the truth about their existence. You and I are alive because of Christ, because of His sacrifice and His desire for no man to perish... So many people have yet to come to the realization that Christ is indeed the savior for all mankind. This is why your testimony (daily example) is important and must be on display at all times. So many are spiritually blind, it's time for you to open their eyes. As Christ said, "the harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few..." 


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