Wednesday, February 9, 2022

In Christ, Whom Shall I Fear

"The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear" the LORD is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid"

Psalm 27:1

We live in a dark and aimless world; one that will lead you astray if you don’t know the passage that we focus on in today’s devotion… There are many things that we are susceptible to in this life; many avenues that we can take that will lead us down a path of destruction… The word of God declares that For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. The paths we see leading toward darkness are more visible and enticing than the paths that lead to Christ; however, despite what you see around you and how things may appear to be, you must focus your eye on the narrow path which leads to life… Everything around you says that you can’t amount to anything and the statistics say that you will fall into one of many unsuccessful categories; however, you can use the things to motivate you instead of deterring you and let the world know that “The Lord is my light and my salvation…” I don’t know about you, but I refuse to be a statistic, I refuse to allow this world to limit me and dictate my future based on my ethnicity or past… God wants to open your eyes to a bright future, He wants to transform your mind to begin to look beyond what you know and see, but the key to all this is for you to recognize that you can be better than you are and go further than you currently have gone…  As a child of God, our focus should be on living a life that is pleasing to the Lord and not appeasing our fellowman… Even though we are sure to face highs and lows on the rollercoaster of life, our focus cannot be deterred or become unclear… 

The psalmist today poses two questions that we will study and reflect on today, the first is “whom shall I fear” and the second is “whom shall I be afraid…” The use of the word fear in this verse means terror, dread or horror; we all have many things in our lives that at one point in time we feared… Notice that I did not focus this fear specifically on a person, because there are different circumstances, obstacles or trials that we fear… Fear can be a vice grip that strangles our relationship with the Lord and causes us to fall short of His promises… What is it in your life that you fear? Are you scared of losing that special someone; so you do things that you shouldn’t? Are you fearful of losing a job or business; so you compromise your morals or integrity? Are you fearful of financial insecurity, so you do all that you can to make a dollar…? The two questions posed today are vital as they dictate our ascension in life or the lack thereof... Fear can cripple you or motivate you. Another way to look at this is that there is a good fear that we should have. In all things, reverence (fear) God and his sovereignty. This will keep you centered in life and allow you not to fear the events you face or people you encounter on this earth... I ask the questions posed by the psalmist to conclude, whom shall I fear or of whom shall I be afraid? The answer, nothing of this earth is worth fearing, for I am a child of God!!!

Walk In Your Purpose!!!


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