Monday, November 29, 2021

A Good Man Falls And Gets Back Up

"The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD: and he delighteth in his way. Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down: for the LORD upholdeth him with his hand." 

Psalm 37:23-24

From the time you are born until the time you die; your life will travel in whatever direction you choose… Even if you decide to remain where you are, you have chosen to travel in a stagnant direction which will produce lackluster results… The psalmist reminds us today that every man or woman will take steps in life (whether it is a step in the right or wrong direction is your choice)… The steps you take can produce many different outcomes; however, when your steps are ordered in the Lord, victory is a certain result… Despite how many hardships or storms you have encountered, you are charged to be encouraged today that even when you slip, even when you want to give up, even when you feel like you are at the end of your rope; “the Lord will uphold you with His hand…” God won’t let you fall too far, He won’t let your life spiral out of control beyond what you can stand and in the end, the stumbling blocks you overcome now will transform into stepping stones leading you to your divine destiny. The gospel of Matthew records in the 18th chapter the very love that God has for His creation and the fact that even when you fall, He’s right there, “What do you think? If a man owns a hundred sheep, and one of them wanders away, will he not leave the ninety-nine on the hills and go to look for the one that wandered off...” If you are that wandering sheep today, know that God hasn’t given up on you and is searching to reclaim you in the lost and confused state that you are in… The psalmist says, “Though he fall…” The question is not if he/she falls but when. We all will make mistakes, we all fall short, but the difference between a man/woman and a good man/woman is that their heart is in the right place and they will do their best to right the wrongs or learn from their failures… 


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