Thursday, April 22, 2021

You'll Know Them By There Fruit

Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.  Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.

Matthew 7:20-21

This passage taken from Matthew simply reminds us that talk is cheap. This verse declares a statement in the very beginning that by their fruits you will know them; this means that we have to be careful to observe the people we interact with and the kind of fruit they bare. So many of us get caught up in the elaborate or eloquent words that people use, but Jesus reminds us today that we must look deeper than the outward appearance… Taking this to a worldly view, we see many mega-churches today and so much corruption at the same time! How is this possible you ask, because people are following the messenger with his style and swag instead of heeding and seeking the word of God! So many people end up in abusive relationships or get hurt because they focus on the wrong things in a person and ignore the fruit that they bare… These are the things that we are being warned about today, the fact that as a child of God we must be proactive and defeat the enemy by seeking the will of God. In order to be successful in this endeavor, we must be willing at times to endure certain events on our own and more importantly not allow others to deter us from our divine paths… Jesus says, “Not everyone that saith Lord, Lord shall enter the kingdom of heaven…” This tells me that not everyone who speaks the word of God is about the word of God, not everyone that goes to church is a part of the church and that it is only by the fruit that they bare that we can know who they are… The bible says that there will be many that come in the Father’s name and they will deceive many; don’t be deceived today, observe the fruits around you, but also make sure that the fruit you bare is acceptable to the Lord! 


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