Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Rest Is ONLY Found In Christ

Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.

Matthew 11:28-30

Are you tired of being alive but not living? Do you ever find yourself frustrated by the things of this world and wonder how you are going to make it…? The truth of the matter is the enemy wants you to be so bogged down by the cares of this world that you have no time to really start living (which is to give your life to Christ)… Matthew records the call that Jesus makes to all mankind, “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden…” Jesus bids you to come out from the places you currently reside or the mental captivity that so many of us are currently being oppressed by… This isn’t a physical call, but a voice which desires to lead you in the path of truth and to give you life and give it to you more abundantly… We labour by trying to live up to other peoples expectations, we are heavy laden when we allow the thoughts of others and the temptations we face to weigh us down and strip our attention from the things that matter… This isn’t to suggest or say that the life of a Christian is easy; however, it is to suggest that there are things that are worth laboring for and being burden by when we walk in the will of God because these things lead to eternal rewards and joy… If you are laboring in the Lord than this message provides a since of comfort and stability in the heaviest laden times in your life… Jesus gives a message of hope today to all those who feel the weight of the world upon their shoulders, He gives a (n) encouraging word to all that are laboring and fighting the “good fight…” The message of hope today and the encouraging word that we are to grasp is that the Lord is indeed with us… In order for someone to come, there first must be someone or something present for them to come too… In the midst of trials and tribulations Jesus reminds us through the gospel of Matthew that we can find rest in Him; we can have our load lightened so that it is bearable and we can find comfort for the road ahead as He declares that He is meek (gentle) and lowly in heart… 


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