Monday, November 9, 2020

God's Plan Is On Schedule

That in the dispensation of the fullness of times he might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth; even in him. 

Ephesians 1:10
There is an appointed time where all things will be gathered together… The things of yesterday will join the things of today and all in the household of faith will be united… As a Christian we find strength through this passage taken from the letter to the church of Ephesus… We know that despite all the suffering, ridicule and scorn which we presently deal with, there is a sturdy foundation we can stand upon which simply declares that in the dispensation of the fullness of times… As we go through, the hour continues to draw near to when all the suffering will end, sin will be no more and everlasting life will become reality… Those who have fought the good fight before us will be reunited unto us in the return of the bridegroom to this earth… You can endure the struggles of life and overcome the deepest valleys by reminding yourself that the time has not come yet… Your time to be exalted has not come yet, your time to ascend has not arrive yet; this isn’t to say that it will not happen but that it just has not happen yet… 

As a child I was able to go outside and wash my fathers cab because of the payment I was guaranteed to receive; standing in the sun was tedious; however, knowing what was to come made it bearable… The same principle applied today in our focus verse can be applied to our lives as well; your reward for all your labor is guaranteed, the things you endure today are bearable because you know what is coming tomorrow… In the dispensation of the fullness of times he might gather together in one all things Christ… The work which God has started will be completed, Paul just reminds us today that that will not happen when we want it too… There are so many things which we desire on this earth and this is why Paul again reminds us that it is on the timing and design of God that we must trust and have our being… Life doesn’t always make sense; there are times that have come and will come when we will not understand our current situation or what it is that God has in store for us… Paul reminds us today that in these times we are not to become discouraged, we are not to become dismayed, but that we are too remember that God indeed does have a plan and His plan is on schedule… 

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