Sunday, October 27, 2019

Let Your Answer Set The Tone

A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger.

Proverbs 15:1

As we studied yesterday, the way in which we deal with people displays the true character of our heart and how we align ourselves with the will of God… Paul reminded us yesterday that we are to be “…kindly affectionate” to one another… Today we are told that “A soft answer turneth away wrath…” The source of anger which builds up in a person usually derives from how they are spoken to regarding a situation or action… I can recall growing up and even in my adulthood about how I have always been told that it isn’t want you say but how you say it and this principle is what we are focusing on in today’s devotional… The most powerful tool that you have been given to utilize in the body of Christ is your tongue; sadly, this can also be a deadly tool when the enemy has his way with you… As a child of God, you are called to bear witness, to reach others with his word and speak the name of Jesus Christ throughout the world… This is accomplished through the tongue and can only be achieved when we learn to defuse situations instead of igniting them… As I just stated, you can stir up anger with you words or you can speak in love to your fellowman and allow a situation that could’ve spiraled out of control to be used to encourage and uplift a wayward soul… You are called to give the right answer; however the way you give it will either lead someone to Christ or drive them away as the Proverb tells us that A soft answer turneth away wrath… 


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