Sunday, June 2, 2019

Walk In The Will of God

Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls.

Jeremiah 6:16

Jeremiah reminds us today that if we desire to advance in life, we must ask for the older paths… Since we enter this world as sinners; our first steps upon this earth are on a course which leads to death… The “old paths” that Jeremiah speaks of is the path that God paved when we were created… It’s the path that leads the Israelites out of Egypt and made the forgiveness of sin possible… This path is spoken of by Jesus in the New Testament, Matthew 7: 13, 14 say, “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 14But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.” We must seek the old path because the new path isn’t the right path… The new path is broader than the old, but it lead to destruction… This is why Jeremiah says we must stand, see, walk and ask… So many of us have wondered aimlessly through this life thus far, wherever the wind blows is the direction in which we travel… 

Today, we come to know and understand the direction that we not only should travel, but the way in which we can identify the purpose that we have on this earth… Jeremiah was called by God to speak to the house of Israel; however, he (being young) was reluctant to go… A lot of us have been called by God for a specific purpose or task, we have been ordained before the foundation of this earth, but many of us have been reluctant to accept God’s calling upon our lives… We are afraid of what people will say, we are scared of failing and we are hesitant to take the leap of faith that being a child of God calls for… As a result of this we along with people around us have begun to perish and lose out on the blessing that God offers… So many of us have tried to do our own thing, make our own decisions and timetables and have not only failed, but caused great harm to ourselves and others… Today we receive the three steps to a fulfilling life… Just like Jeremiah, we are timid when it comes to doing things out of the ordinary or changing our direction, but God tells us today how we can obtain success, find our purpose and sit down with Him in glory…

Step 1: “Stand ye in the ways…” God has already shined His light of mercy and grace upon your life, He has already opened up doors and made ways out of no way; when you face trials, change or misfortune, you must stand… You must be planted like a tree by the rivers; you must be unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord… Trials display your character and help to identify your purpose, stand strong in the Lord and in the power of His might…

Step 2: “…ask for the old paths…” We must seek the ways of the Lord instead of our own direction… The bible teaches us that there is nothing new under the sun; the same God that delivered in the Old Testament is the same God that delivers today… Look at the “old paths” God made, look at the miracles that He has already performed and seek His guidance in everything that you do…

Step 3: “…and walk therein…” You must be committed to the will of God; you must not only stand and seek, but you must be willing to walk… When you walk you are taking steps, there is direction in your life, there is purpose to your movements and you are accepting your calling…

Jeremiah new that the road placed before him would be difficult, but he also knew and trusted God… Today we come to know and understand this by standing when everyone around you sits down so that you obtain success, it is by seeking the ways of old and looking back on the past that you identify your purpose and by walking in the will of God that you will fulfill the calling that He has on your life and “find rest for your souls…”


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