Wednesday, March 6, 2019

You Have To Make A Choice

No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.

Matthew 6:24

The bible is clear on the fact that you cannot serve two masters. No matter how much effort you put forth, this cannot be done because the God you are involved with desires your full attention… Deuteronomy 6:15 says, “for the LORD your God in the midst of you is a jealous God; otherwise the anger of the LORD your God will be kindled against you, and He will wipe you off the face of the earth.” There are some of us who are wondering right now why it is that your prayers haven’t been answered, why it is that you have not been able to get out of the rut you are in or even why it seems like the ditch you are in keeps getting deeper and deeper… If you are that person today, the question I have for you is quite simple; is the shovel in your hands or Gods…? Are you stuck because you are trying to figure your own way out or have you really turned it over to the Lord…? The bible declares in Jeremiah 29:13 that, “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” 

The only way for you to find God is to seek Him with all your heart; this in turn requires that you leave the other master spoken of in our focus verse from the book of Matthew alone… The problem in your life isn’t that God hasn’t heard or doesn’t hear your prayers; the problem is that you are so distracted by the things of this world and your peers that you cannot recognize the answer that He has placed right before you… This is why you feel like you’ve been praying all this time and haven’t gotten a response, this is why the walls keep closing in on you; you say your waiting on God and the reality is that He is waiting on you… You can’t have one foot in Christ and the other in the world… You may think that it can be done, you will be the exception to the rule; just know that so many people have tried this and ended up missing out of the blessings of God… Trying to appease two things will at some point require you to make a decision as to which is of the most importance… Understand today that two masters aren’t just limited to living two lives or trying to sit on the fence with your religion! Two masters can simple be anything that you have put on the same level as our God… The most interesting thing that I find in studying this passage is the fact that there are so many people who are trying to serve two masters without even knowing it… A simple way to check with you fall into this category is to analyze your everyday affairs… How many times do you oversleep and wake to say a “quick prayer” before leaving out the door… Have you ever cut your devotion time with God short (if you even spend time with Him other than Sunday’s) to go tend to another need that you deemed more important…? 

Answering these questions let you know if there is another master in your life and it may also very well lead you to understanding why things have not taken a turn in your life for the better as you had hoped or expected (yes there are test, trials and hardships that we must endure; however, there are also some things that we encounter in our lives that are self-inflected because of our focus or attention being in other places… Serving two masters is something that takes place at some point in all of our lives; one of the most common instances where this occurs is in finances, we are so devoted to making money, that money becomes our life. We miss secret devotion because we have an opportunity to make a couple extra bucks, our kids are at home yearning for attention because we feel like the extra hour or two won’t hurt them, but will ultimately provide a better foundation for them to grow. We must be careful when it comes to financial stability (you could very well end up with a lot of money and the back and a lack of love in the home… We must be sure that money doesn’t become are Lord or guide to how we live! When something is your master, it rules over you, and controls you. Make sure that you aren’t being controlled by a source other than God! Just because you are at the church, doesn’t mean you are apart of it. Life is full of choices, we choose whether we want to go to work, we choose whether we want to get up in the morning, and we choose whether or not we are going to be committed to this Christian journey!

So what is your choice, answer this question by your service and not your words?


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