Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Victory Is Found In Christ

If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you.

John 15:7

The word of God declares that you have the ability through the offering of Jesus Christ to “come boldly before the thrown of grace…” We are promised that “ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you…” This is very good news to know as we are assured that our prayers do not fall on deaf ears; however, in order to see this promise come to fruition you must first choose the path of life that you desire to travel… Notice that Jesus says before you can ask and it will be done that you must“…abide in me…” Your prayers haven’t been answered because your life hasn't been submitted or surrendered… How many times have you heard people say that God will do whatever it is that you ask? How many times have you heard people recite John 14:14 or say that if you ask God He indeed will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory (Philippians 4:19)…? These sayings and the reciting of these scriptures are frequently uttered in the church or serve as reminders when we are in the face of adversity or opposition; however, we are called today to remember that asking God to do something or praying for a breakthrough is one thing that can be done, but in order to experience God’s goodness we must first submit to Him… The bible says that “when you seek me with your WHOLE heart, then you will find me…” You must have a desire to totally give your life to Christ; you must be abiding in the plan for your life and making the word of God a part of your everyday being in order to see these promises come to light… 

This scripture starts off by saying, “If ye abide in me…” God must be the head and center of your life, when you wake up in the morning what do you do? When you get paid on Friday, what do you buy? These are things that declare where your loyalty is or who is first in your life… A lot of us have been praying for God to move, we have been seeking a better way and hoping that doors would open, but the reason for the delay in God’s moving is squarely on your shoulders because you will not put Him first… Again, often times we hear people quote the promises of God and allude to the fact that “he will supply all of our needs”… Make no mistake about it, this promise is very true and speaks to the desire of God to have all mankind live abundantly; however, too often we forget that there are conditions that must be met in order to profess this promise… Jesus, speaking to His disciples states that “if ye abide in me and my words abide in you…”Understand that this is a powerful tool that we all have, the time was coming for Christ to depart, the hour was drawing near for Christ to return to heaven and He is releasing the very power of God so that we have confidence in knowing that even though we don’t physically see Him we have the power to overcome if we remain faithful to Him… We have an obligation to live up to if we want to receive and inherit the gifts of God! To “abide in him,” we must humble ourselves and focus on living according to the will of God! 

This speaks to the fact that we must push our own agendas out the door and give God preeminence in our lives! To abide is to reside, dwell, or take up! Let us dwell in the house of the Lord, reside within His counsel and take up our cross and follow Him… Not only must we abide in Him, but the second condition is that His word must abide in us… Abiding in Christ is more than going to church; we must apply the things that we learn from church and our own intimate study sessions to our lives… It is not enough to go to school and sit in the class room; sure, on the roll you are accounted for, but your knowledge will be lacking until you apply the resources and strive to learn! The bible is the foundation that we must build upon and live upon… We must take the word and manifest it in our lives… Ezekiel wasn't able to speak until he “ate the scroll,” if you want to see the promises of God come to fruition, if you want to be victorious, eat the scroll and humble yourself before the Lord!  God is calling and desires for a (n) intimate relationship with you, a relationship that you put your full trust in and will adhere to as it relates to His divine plans... THEN and only then, you can ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you. This command is not negotiable, there is no reading between the lines or loop holes to a quick turnaround; if you abide in Him, He will abide in you!!!


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