Friday, August 31, 2018

Everybody Will See His Glory

And the glory of the LORD shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together: for the mouth of the LORD hath spoken it.

Isaiah 40:5

Despite how daunting this Christian journey may appear to be, there is good news for you and I today to hold on to… There are many people of this world who appear to be succeeding in many phases of life, many who don’t walk according to the will of God; however, they seem to be living life to the fullest… Isaiah informs us today that we must be careful not to get caught up in the way things appear or seem to be because “…the glory of the Lord shall be revealed…”God will be exalted, He will be recognized as Lord of Lord and King of Kings and you should find courage today in your walk because you know that when His glory is revealed you will be as well… 

Those who think they are mighty will become weak, those who think they have plenty will not have enough and it’s good news for all those serving in whatever capacity that God desires of them to know that “…all flesh shall see it together…” Everyone will come to know your path and see how God has kept you and secured you… There are times in life when circumstances aren’t what you desire them to be; situations that seem unfair and unjust; times when the trials and tribulations, the storms and rain just are too much to even comprehend. Again, this passage that we focus on today informs us that the glory of the Lord will be revealed.  That means that we will behold His majesty, we will see His omnipotence and feel His favor. Some things take place in your life so that you will understand that only God can deliver you, some things happen so that you will increase in faith in the Lord. Those who ignore the sovereignty of God and think that they are full will be empty, and pride will be humbled, because as Isaiah says, “…the Lord hath spoken it…”  As Jesus hung on the cross with insults being hurled upon Him the bible records that in His final moments the earth shook violently and the Vail of the temple was torn in two, one observer of the crucifixion takes note of Jesus and is recorded in Matthew 27:54 “When the centurion and those with him who were guarding Jesus saw the earthquake and all that had happened, they were terrified, and exclaimed, "Surely he was the Son of God!" 

In the midst of Christ’s hardships the glory of the Lord was revealed to this individual; likewise, in your life know that the glory of the Lord will be revealed in you and through you… The bible is filled with messages of adversity and the revelation of God’s sovereignty; Job lost it all, but gained double what he had (his later was greater than his former)… Joseph was imprisoned but soon sat over the land of Egypt… David lived in a cave fleeing the hands of Saul, but was later the King of Israel… There will be dark days where people will see your sorrows, but know that this is the time where God is manifesting His will, this is the time that He is instilling His plan, this is the time where He makes sure that His name is exalted by your deliverance…, Hebrews 12:11 says, “No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.” What God is saying today is that your trials allow people to see His glory! Sometimes the trials that you face aren’t meant for you, but you have to go through them so that you may show others your faith and God may show the world His faithfulness… He said He would never leave you nor forsake you; God said it, I believe it and that settles it!


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