Thursday, August 3, 2017

Only Stupid People Don't Learn From Mistakes

Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge, but whoever hates correction is stupid.

Proverbs 12:1

The biggest difference between a child of God and one who is of this world is how we handle discipline… There are those who desire to retaliate and refuse discipline while others are more focused on embracing and learning from the errors of their ways… The last concept of handling discipline is how a Christian must think when they are faced with disciplinary measures as Solomon tells us that whoever loves discipline loves knowledge… This is not to say or suggest that you will be smiling when you are corrected, but that you will love the correction because you know that this will make you a better person and strong individual when faced with a similar challenge… This reason alone is why we must learn to love discipline… We must remember that God desires nothing but the best for us and from us; this means that the discipline that you endure will promote the desires of God in you so that you can become the very thing which He designed you to be… We all have a lot of growing and maturing to do in the will of God and the growing pains we experience as we move toward is will are never promised to be easy to endure or to persevere through… The writer of Hebrews declares in the 12thchapter this very thing when he says “No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.” Don’t focus on the discipline that you are subject to, learn to seek the message which is being conveyed through the times of struggle which you face… 

This is why the writer says that the one who loves discipline loves knowledge… You are seeking to understand why you face the corrective measures, you are seeking to learn from your mistakes which will provide a sturdy platform for your development and growth… The one who doesn’t seek to understand is the one who is destine to repeat the same process without growing or coming out better than he/she went in which is why the writer concludes by saying, whoever hates correction is stupid… God is correcting because God is caring, when you hate the things which God is trying to teach and show you, you are simply declaring you ignorance the severity of the situation and therefore can be classified as being stupid… God would not waste His time disciplining you if the matter was not of the highest priority… God is trying to transform and redefine your purpose here on earth; to miss this obvious point is to walk this earth without vision and purpose which again is just stupid… Today, learn to embrace the correction which God has sent your way, this may be the very thing which will lead to saving your life or losing it if you decide to ignore the message being sent…


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