Saturday, July 8, 2017

Eternal Life Is Found In Christ

And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.

John 17:3

Jesus declared in the 14th chapter 6th verse of the gospel of John, “I am the way, the truth and the life: no man come to the father but by me…” The only way to obtain the path you seek which leads to peace, joy and love is found through the trail of blood from the city gates of Jerusalem to the hill of Golgotha… Eternal Life was deposited upon this earth in the form of God’s son, it was laid before you in and through His outstretched arms and all He endured on the cross… John reminds us today that Eternal Life is found in the “The Only True God…” There is only one God; there is only one prince of peace and one savior… A good friend of mine once told me that the distance between you and salvation is the same distance that your mouth is from your heart… Eternal Life is free, but it only comes through knowing (faith), acknowledging (mouth) and accepting (heart) the only True God… Some religions believe that good deeds are rewarded with eternal life, but my Bible tells me that Jesus has paved the way to salvation and that we are only justified by faith which is through the just savior that took the form of mankind… 

This is life eternal, this is all that we have and all that we should cling too; that we may know the ONLY true God! You may be alive in earthly standards, but “This life” spoken of in today’s focus verse deals with the relationship and the being we are and become as a child of God… You are alive but you’re not living because you have a lot of false gods leading the way for you... We cannot turn a blind eye nor act as if there aren’t many gods in this world… People for years have been lead astray because they are following or seeking the wrong things… Notice this passage says “…that they might know thee the only true God…” It’s good news today to know that even after we have ventured the wrong way, sought the wrong things and turned to vain glory, Christ still remains… He knocks on the doors of your heart hoping for you to answer and come to know that He is“Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent…” Christ has been knocking since the fall of mankind, but we haven’t answered because we have so much occupying our time and mind… We have placed idols in our lives in the form of money, relationships and pride; however, through this word we see that even though we constantly change, Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever… John reminds us today that there is only One true God and that salvation was made possible through the sacrifice of His beloved son! As I study this verse, I am reminded of a familiar story in the bible; the story of Shadarach, Meshach and Abednego… This particular story tells us that they were called to fall down and worship other gods at the order of Nebuchadnezzar, when they said no to the mandate, the bible records that they were to be thrown into the fiery furnace and burned to death… 

Upon falling (they were not cast into the flames as the soldiers died before doing so) into the furnace, Nebuchadnezzar was astonished when he saw that three men entered the fire, but four were loose walking around amidst the flames… Through this he realized that there was only one true God… Through your trials and tribulations, through the hardships of life we learn and come to realize that there is only one true God… You mom and dad can’t keep you alive, your job isn't the reason for your good fortune or success and your house isn’t the means with which you obtain a goodnights rest… The only True God sustains you day in and day out, the only true God makes ways out of no way and continues to perform His work in you… When I think of Christ I think of one that died and rose again, I have never read or heard of another humbling themselves, thinking it not robbery and leaving their home in glory! I haven’t read of one who had compassion on mankind and sought to bring them back into the fold! I haven’t heard of one taking on the sins of the world and crying out in anguish after being separated from His father… I haven’t found any other scriptures that speak of another going down into the earth to pay sins penalty, and I definitely haven’t seen or heard of another now seated at the right hand of The Only True God! There is only one who died and rose from the dead, there is only one who took the form of man, and there is only one who was clothed with imperfection, but perfected God’s will for us and His name is JESUS CHRIST! Eternal Life is knowing the Only True God, knowing that we all have sinned and fallen short, knowing that hell was our destiny, knowing that the ransom could never be paid by our hands, knowing that victory was unobtainable without Jesus intervening and interceding on our behalf… This is indeed our hope, this is indeed our glory, this is indeed our substance, and this is our Life Eternal!


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