Sunday, October 16, 2016

Everything Will Be Revealed In Time

For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither any thing hid, that shall not be known and come abroad.

Luke 8:17

There are times in life when we don’t understand, there are points in your Christian journey where we are puzzled by some of the situations that we face… Today, Luke reminds us that everything will be revealed to us in time…The songwriter said “Ooo by and by when the morning comes, all the saints of God are gathered home, we will, tell the story of how we overcome and we’ll understand it better by and by…” Let us realize today that as the years past and we grow in Christ the understanding as to the path and reason behind every turn will be clearer and clearer for us... You may not understand why this or that happened right now, you may not have a clue as to what impact this situation that you are going through will have on your life, but Luke assures us that at God’s appointed time, we will understand… 

God informed us in the 55th chapter of Isaiah about the lack of understanding that we would have at times in our lives… We can’t comprehend the magnitude of God’s actions; the word says, “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the LORD. As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” Our faith shouldn’t rely on living a life of harmony, but on accepting every avenue that this Christian journey takes us on knowing and believing that God knows what’s best for us… God has a special and ordained plan for your life! The turmoil you face is for a reason, the heartache and pain has a purpose, and the chaos and confusion is divine. There will be days where things don’t make sense, times where you feel bewildered and puzzled about your current circumstances, surely there will be instances of shaky ground and conflict! Luke records for us today that there is no secret that shall not be manifested, this passage does not tell you the everything will make sense when you want it to, it doesn’t say that the puzzle pieces of life will fall into place just as you expected, but what is does tell us is that every time and purpose will bring you to a ultimate joyous conclusion… What is does tells us is that as long as you are walking in the spirit and will of God everything well work for your benefit! Luke says things will make sense and you will be enlightened; the key is that all this will take place at God’s appointed time… The struggles that we face in this life are treacherous, the pain we face is agonizing, but when we are called up into the air we will understand every tear that was shed, every ache that was felt and every storm that raged upon us… One can ask why it was that Christ had to die on the cross, one could if there was a simpler way to handle Salvation, but what we can’t deny is that Christ sits at the right hand of God with all power in His hand… 

The bible is filled with times of uncertainty and confusion… Joshua was sold into slavery by his brothers, through his slavery he became a king! Joshua later declares, “Though it was meant for evil, God meant it for good!”Your current imprisonment is bringing about your freedom and salvation, your breakthrough is coming! Even though, you may not understand everything to the degree you wish, understand that God never fails, know that he has a destiny that you will reap a bountiful harvest… Gold must be put through the fire in order to reap its true rewards and worth… Your trials are you fire; the uncertainty that hangs over your life are the flames that are burning away the impurities the lie within you, so don’t lose faith in God because of the things that don’t make sense; on the contrary, trust Him more now, so that in the end you will be better than you are today! Everything will be revealed in time, you will understand your hardships when you reap your rewards, you will understand your trials when they have completed the maturing that was to take place in your life, you will understand your heartache when you child comes back through the doors… The Lord told Habakkuk to, “Write my answer plainly on tablets, so that a runner can carry the correct message to others.” You are the tablet that God is writing on; you are the message of hope to a dark and confused world… Your trials are rays of hope and God will make it plain when He brings you out and places on solid ground… God has a message that you are to deliver to this world, a message that will be made plain, a message that will be clarified and message that will not be hid from you… The message is of His divine love, authority and faithfulness… You may not understand right now, but keep running because it will be revealed for all mankind to see…


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