Tuesday, September 27, 2016

It's All Because Of His Mercy

Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost; Which he shed on us abundantly through Jesus Christ our Savior.

Titus 3:5-6

Humility is a trait that is easily carried out when the things around us appear to be humbling; however, the true test of a Christian is your submission to the will of God when you have little and when you have abundance… It never ceases to amaze me how many people can blame God when they are dealing with a misfortune, but they take the credit when they receive a blessings or promotion… There is nothing that you can do on this earth to deserve a heavenly home… Today we reminded that we must remember who has made Salvation possible for us and who has opened up doors in our lives that provide us opportunities to prosper and receive blessings from above… Without the offering that Jesus Christ poured out on the cross we would not be here, without the blood that ran down His side there would be no remission of sins and if it were not for His resurrection we would not be able to overcome any obstacle that we face…Simply put, don’t get it twisted; you have done nothing to deserve the saving power that came through God’s beloved son. Don’t lose sight of the fact that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. God, through His mercy gave us a clean slate and refocused our minds on Him by the sending of the comforter the Holy Ghost. 

All this was made possible because Christ thought it not robbery to leave his home in Glory, all this came into existence because the stone they rejected became the corner or capstone. Through the blood of Jesus we can inherit eternal life, through His poverty we can become rich, through His suffering we can go to a place where they’re will be no pain, by Him laying down his life we can live! As much as you want to take credit for things in your life, start to take credit for all the things that are messed up with your life instead… Recognize today that you aren’t perfect and start to seek the perfection of Jesus… When you begin to assume the position that is God’s by saying “I did this or because of my hard work” you in essence are placing yourself on the same level as the Father… This is the same things that Lucifer experienced and we all no where that got him… The whole point to today’s study is that we have been saved by God’s mercy; we have been washed and renewed by the Holy Ghost… This simply tells me that #1 – I was a filthy mess and #2 – I was in need of saving; which equals #3 – that there is nothing that I can take credit for because without the presences of Christ on this earth I would not be here… The book of Isaiah gives us a better overall understanding of what is it that we must comprehend today from our study passage taken from Titus; in the prophetical writing of Isaiah, it is in the 9th chapter and verses 6 and 7 that we find these words recorded, “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the increase of his government and peace there will be no end. He will reign on David's throne and over his kingdom, establishing and upholding it with justice and righteousness from that time on and forever. The zeal of the LORD Almighty will accomplish this.” 

We thrive and succeed because of the son that was given, we have authority because the government is upon His shoulders, and Jesus is indeed wonderful and mighty… There will be no end because He reigns forever and it is through His father that this is and was done… Don’t lose sight of what God has done for you, don’t take credit for the blessings He has bestowed and the life that he breathes into you every morning… God has touched you, clothed you and started you on your way… He makes the sun rise and the stars shine and we are here to bear witness to His awesome works because of His unfailing love and grace… Again, don’t become so prideful that you forget that humility is the key to salvation. Paul said, “not by works of my hand, lest I should boast!”Remember that you truly are a sinner saved by grace and that grace was not obtained by your labor; but rather, by God’s mercy and love shown through His son! In times of despair, when you feel lost and confused, remember that God has brought you this far and the Holy Spirit dwells with you right now to ease you pains and guide your life… Every step you take toward prosperity is made possible by the steps Jesus took going to Golgotha and the door that God opened in raising Him from the dead… Don’t rely on your hands, God already knew you couldn’t do it on your own and that’s why Jesus came to seek and save that which was lost…


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