Thursday, May 26, 2016

Call Unto Me And I Will Answer

Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.

Jeremiah 33:3

Your life will never be complete nor accomplish all that it can until you realize that you must call on the Lord… It isn’t until you open your heart, mind and soul unto the Lord that He can begin to impart His divine will and plan for your life… This scripture speaks to the covenant that bonds us with the Lord; He will answer as evident in the many storms we have been able to endure and come through; however, the phone must ring in order for it to be answered and this is the step that often times is missed… I often times here people quote different scriptures about the saving power and grace that is our God, but do we realize that His saving power will be idle until we allow it to be manifested in our lives…? True, God has promised to never leave us nor forsake us, He has promised to protect us from the fowler’s snare and be a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path…All these promises are real; however they will never see fulfillment in one’s life unless they have faith which requires a connection or call of total submission to the Lord… The book of Jeremiah teaches that God promises to show us great and mighty things, Jesus said that He came that we might have life and have it more abundantly… 

Until we walk according to the will of God, until we accept Jesus Christ as our personal Lord and Savior we are not living nor do we have abundant life… Jeremiah starts this verse by saying, “Call unto me and I will answer thee…” The promises of God can’t be fulfilled until you step up and call upon His name… Jesus says in Matthew 11: 28-30, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Notice we are promised rest in Jesus; however the first thing that must be done is that we turn from our own path and “Come to me…” We must call on the Lord to find strength, we must call unto the Lord to find healing, and we must call unto the Lord to gain direction, understanding and power… When we call on the Lord He will answer; however it will be in ways “which thou knowest not…” We never know how someone so battered down by life still can fight and stand tall, we never know how a person dealing with financial hardships can climb from underneath their debt, and we never know how relationships that seemed irreparable can be mended… These are the mighty things that we know not, but that God can do and perform for us when we call upon His name… We can agree with this verse in Jeremiah knowing that God will answer, He will make a way out of now way, He will do the mighty things that you thought were simply dreams, He will perform the very works that you didn’t think were possible… 

Look at what this verse says; Jeremiah records that God will show great and mighty things to us if we call upon Him, (if you wondering why things in your household haven’t improved, if you wondering why you are stuck in the same location, it’s because you haven’t called on the Lord…) so many of us have been waiting for a sign from God, waiting for Him to do a miraculous work in our lives so that we know and feel his presences. God has not performed these miracles, nor given you these signs because you have not called on His name! The bible records that the Israelites were in bondage during the prophecy of Jeremiah, “they worship me with their lips, but there hearts are far from me!” The Israelites had fallen by the wayside and had a false confidence that everything would be okay. I believe that often times we have a false confidence that everything in our life will be okay. We have a false confidence that God is a bellhop and that He is going to just show up and bless the situation and we will walk away unharmed; however, on the contrary, God is simply waiting for you to say enough is enough and call upon Him and adhere to His word! Nehemiah 1:9 says, “but if you return to me (Call unto Him) and obey my commands, then even if your exiled people are at the farthest horizon, I will gather them from there and bring them to the place I have chosen as a dwelling for my Name.”

God can’t answer the phone unless you call!!!


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