Wednesday, February 10, 2016

The Avenues Of Life

There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.

Proverbs 16:25

There are so many paths that we can travel in this life, so many avenues that we can venture down; however, we are reminded today that no matter how many different paths we see or how many different avenues we find, all end in death if they are not paved by the Lord… This verse starts off by saying “There is a way…”You can layout the plans for your life, the goals you want to reach and how you plan to obtain them, but death is guaranteed for your end result if your will is not submissive to the will of God… The bible teaches us that God disciplines those He loves, the bible also tells us that we must go through the “refiner’s fire” so that we can become the children God designed us to be… Understanding that discipline is a part of our growth and trials help our maturation process lets us know that things shouldn’t come easy… The path you seek a lot of times is based upon the appearance of easiness in its travel… 

Often times we are always looking for the quick fix or the easy way out, but the Proverb teaches us today that if it seems easy and enticing to do, you had better stay clear of that path… The way that seemeth right to man is the way that provides least resistance, provides a quick answer and opens doors immediately… We all would love to walk into our workplace, get the respect we deserve a make a salary that would have to many zero’s to count; however, we know that the bible tells us that we must ask, seek and knock… This means that you must work toward the goal, you must sacrifice, you must endure and you must be patient… I have seen many people who have sought the quick fix or the get rich quick scheme and have appeared to have found success; that is until their “man-made”mountain comes tumbling down upon them and they find themselves in a worse situation than they were before… Paul was a well educated man who had a zeal for the Lord; however He never walked in the pathway of the Lord until He was humbled, blinded and placed in the care of another man for a period of time (get the point!!!) We like Paul can have all the accolades and desires for success, but until we walk the path God has laid for us we will indeed be walking a path that leads to death… There always comes a point and time in our lives where we say that we are going to do our own thing. 

We think that we are grown and we know what is best for us. This passage (attributed to Solomon) says that there is a way that seemeth right unto a man. There is a time we fill like this is what we need to do or this is the direction in which we should travel. Solomon was a man, who was the wisest of all, he had riches, over a thousand women and his life was full of bliss, I am positive that he believed that he had done everything that he should have and the direction his life was headed was perfect, but as we look at this passage we also know that Solomon wrote the book of Ecclesiastes and it is in that book that Solomon recounts all that he had accomplished in the worldly view of things and how it is all meaningless (vanity) a chasing after the wind... This lets me know that though we chase after fame, fortune, and popularity, the end of that road is destruction because God is not the head of your life. So even though things may seem to be on the right path, living life to the fullest, eating and being merry, understand that the end is death. So often we base decisions on appearance and not true worth… Even though it seems right, don’t trust it without God’s approval and direction! Ultimately the choice is yours, the path you choose displays the choice that you have made, please pick wisely…


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