Thursday, January 14, 2016

The Earth Is Filled With His Glory

But as truly as I live, all the earth shall be filled with the glory of the LORD.

Numbers 14:21

The bible records that at the creation of the world (darkness had covered the face of the deep)… There are so many dark areas in our lives, so many things that we are not proud of, so many choices that we have made that we don’t want people to know about nor do we want to acknowledge… Today, in the book of numbers we see that all darkness will be expunged from the earth… Truly the Lord does live and because He lives we can take pride today in knowing that “…all the earth shall be filled with the glory of the Lord…” The glory of the Lord is His splendor, beauty and wonder; knowing that His beauty will fill the earth gives enough confidence to the believer today to smile in the midst of trials… His splendor will fill the earth, He will be exalted through the darkness of this land, His light will shine and your path will grow brighter and brighter as you walk according to His will and plan for you… It is imperative that we understand today that in reading this verse we confidently make the claim that the light of God shines in us and through us… 

Today’s focus verse starts off with the words, But as truly as I live; this is a statement of faith and confidence in God which should be the same claim that we make daily… As surely as I live I know that God loves me and will continue to mold me, I can allow all the mistakes of yesterday, all the dark areas of my life to be exposed after reading this passage because I don’t want to carry this weight anymore, I don’t want to give the enemy a foothold anymore (Ephesians 4:27) and I am tired of walking on egg shells… I know there is beauty in me and in the path which God has for me… He shall be revealed and the life I have in Him shall be fulfilled... This passage comes at a time when Moses instructed 12 men to go into the Promise land and spy; he told them to bring back a report of their findings as to the layout of the land and who currently possessed it… Of the 12 that came back only two were able to give a good report, because of this the children of God began an uproar wondering why they were at this point and why they were not allowed to simply die in Egypt or in the wilderness… How often to we forget the deliverance power that God has already displayed in our lives when we are faced or challenged with another obstacle? Today is the day we stay on track, this year we keep the ball rolling and hold to God’s unchanging hand… Moses listened to the good reports and spoke to the Lord on behalf of the people, God responds to Moses by saying,“But as truly as I live, all the earth shall be filled with the glory of the Lord…”

Stay dedicated to God’s word this year because you know that great things are capable of happening and will indeed happen… The earth shall be filled with God’s glory, this lets us know that there is no power to great, no circumstance to tough, no obstacle too large for the Lord to breakdown or allow us to overcome… Don’t look back on yesterday; focus on the bright path ahead… Today, whether you are facing financial hardships or overcoming bad habits, know that your victory is secured in the blood of Christ and you will win… The statement that God’s glory shall fill the earth is God news, everyone will come to know the power He possesses, and everyone will see the ways that He can make and the paths that He ordains… You are a called today to walk according to His will so that others can see what you go through, but more importantly, so they can see you come out… God doesn’t need you, He wants you (there’s a big difference); He knows the flaws on the outside of you and desires to fill you with His purpose and plan so that the beauty within you can begin to shine through you…


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