Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Your Work Determines Your Wages

For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Romans 6:23

There is no way for you to live a double life; Paul’s letter to the Church of Rome emphasis the point that the only outcome from sin is death… Many people believe that they can do as they please and make up for it before it’s too late, when we live in this manner we live in falsehood and set ourselves up for failure… Tomorrow is never promised and death awaits all that anticipate a reward for their sin… The bible tells us that every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess; every move that you make is remembered, every decision you make is recorded and you will suffer the consequences of your actions (whether good or bad)… The bible is clear that we reap what we sow and it is also clear that a fig tree can not bare any other object besides figs… If you are living a life that lives according to the standards of this world today is your wakeup call… If you are walking under the authorities that are here on this earth today is your reality check… We all must stand before the judgment seat of Christ. We all must give account and will be held accountable for our actions here on Earth. I cannot help but emphasize the fact that this passage tells us the wages of sin is death. 

This simply means that as you lead a life of sin, your reward is eternal damnation. Sure, it may feel right at the time or moment, and you may even take great pleasure in your sin, but stop and think about what kind of reward you will receive. People get high to forget their problems, they drink to become disoriented, and they sleep around to feel loved. All these things do not add up to true rewards. The problems that you left when taking drugs still exist when your high fades, the pain you try to avoid with alcohol will tear you up even more when you are sober again and love doesn’t live in the arms of multiple partners… The gift that you have been promised if you leave your life of sin is eternal life. The bible tells us that we are to store our treasures in heaven, one of the biggest hurdles we have to overcome on this Christian journey is looking for physical prosperity in everything that we do or take part in… God sees all your deeds, but some of your rewards will not be evident until you reach Eternal Bliss… Your life is truly a gift and you are here on this earth to serve a purpose and fulfill your ordained journey… Turning away from things that please us is hard to do, giving up the desires of the flesh aren’t easy and we must fight daily to advance under the leadership of God… When you place money into a bank account or invest in stocks it sits there and often times you don’t realize how much money you have gained as the stocks mature… 

Today we invest in our heavenly dwelling understanding that when we reach our Eternal home our deposits of submission and obedience will have matured greatly and will be presented with rewards that surpass anything that this world has to offer… These are the wages I cherish as I work through this life. How about you? There are always gifts to be received; the problem is that sometimes we receive gifts that we don’t desire! When I was young I often heard the saying that if you’re bad Santa will bring you a lump of coal, the interesting thing that was embedded in my mind was that you still get a gift, but the gift you receive was determined by your actions! Today let us understand that we all will receive gifts, but that if you want the best things possible for you (eternal life), if you want to give your children the foundation that they need and deserve, than you must demonstrate it in your everyday actions and decision-making… Let us remember that all good and perfect gifts come from above, I want the perfect gift for me, I want a good gift that fits me, so I understand that I must align myself with the will of God and not be worried or mislead by the things that take place around me! I am earning wages everyday, how much I actual get is determined by my work ethic!


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