Tuesday, December 24, 2013

The Greatest Gift Ever Given (Jesus)

The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel (which means “God with us”).

Matthew 1:23

The Christmas season marks the wonderful time of the year when God demonstrated the depths of His love for mankind by sending His very son to this earth… This very display of love not only gives us the definition of the word but also outlines the foundation of our lives and where we would be if it were not for the love of God… This very verse taken from the gospel of Matthew gives evidence to this season of giving in which we exchange gifts simply because of the gift which God gave us through his beloved son… Though we didn’t deserve such an act of grace and mercy, we would be blessed beyond belief to have our sins paid for and forgiven by the one who would come which the angels conveyed to Joseph in this very passage saying that the virgin will conceive and give birth to a son… God always had a plan to resurrect the relationship between God and man and this should be enough proof for us to trust Him in every area of our lives… There is a seed in you just like the seed that was planted in Mary; this seed is your divine destiny and evidence of the conclusion of this verse which states God with us… God is with you through all the trials and tribulations that you have faced and are facing; He is with you through the ups and downs, hills and valleys and the message for the man or women of faith today is that God is birthing something in you… Something is going to manifest itself from the labor pains and experiences that you have endured through this time… Knowing that God gave the name of the son to Mary and Joseph before He came from the womb lets us know that God has already named the very blessing that will come from the struggles of your life… Jesus declared in John 10:10 that He came to give life and give it more abundantly; the name of your child which will come from your struggle is peace, the name of the child that will come from your intense labour is co-heir, the name of the child that will come for from your poverty in Christ is blessed and highly favored… There is a name which you will love to claim at the end of your trying days and knowing that there is an expected end confirms what today’s focus verse tells us which is that God is with us… Today, as you wrap your gifts remember the gift that God wrapped in swaddling clothes; when you place your gift under the tree remember the gift that was place in a manger… You have a gift to share with the world that came over 2,000 years ago; let someone know in this season that Christ was born to save and pave the way to Eternal Life… There are some less fortunate, some who don’t have family to share this season with, bring Jesus to them and allow them the opportunity to join the family… After all, you can give Christ to them because God is always with you…


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