Monday, December 17, 2012

Speak The Word No Matter Who Receives It...

For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.

2 Timothy 4:3-4

In reading this passage I cannot help but begin to think about the tragedy that to place in Connecticut… 20 children stripped of life along with 6 adults; this is a time where God must be sought and His will made clear… There are different ways to handle trial and adversity; people will question God while we must take the stance of standing with Him… We don’t know why these things took place; however, what we do know is that God can do all things but fail, what we do know is that He has a plan and that everything that happens today will benefit us tomorrow… The task at hand for every Christian is to stay the course and abide in the will of God; I state this today as part of this devotional because there are so many distractions and measures of peer pressure which lead people astray… The message recorded in today’s focus verses deals with the unwavering faith that a child of God must have knowing that not everyone will open receive God’s word and even some will challenge you based on their desires to please their itching ears… Understand today that not everyone who you share Christ with will receive and accept; you will have people in your life that will serve as stumbling blocks along your Christian journey and Paul challenges us today to know that you will not stumble, but rather that you will ascend despite the choices that others make… Paul teaches Timothy and us today of the times that we will indeed face and are facing… One of the biggest problems we find in the church today is a misguided message and a misguided church body… Paul charges Timothy today and us not to cave in to the pressures of the world… Timothy was a young man called to lead the house of God; facing the fleshly desires of some which were in the congregation, Timothy struggles with advancing the kingdom of God and Paul writes this message to him… Know that some of the biggest obstacles you will face will come in the church body that you are apart of… Timothy was ready to walk away, ready to throw in the towel it Paul reminds him of the time which he is living in… Don’t lose sight of the times of today, the more corruption that is inching closer and closer to our doors, the more people try to scientifically dissolve the word of God and begin to erect other religions without a foundation in Christ… The word of God speaks of these times and the message for you today is to stay immersed in His word and don’t lose sight of His will; no matter the people who you offend or the relationships that you may lose, you have to speak the word of God boldly knowing that it will not come back void, but will accomplish all that it was sent out to do… Your faith is being tempted, your foundation is being tested and you must stand firm knowing that people will run away from God while you run too Him…

The bible teaches us that the word is sharper than a double-edge sword… When Josiah became king over Israel the word tells us that the book of the law was found in the temple… As the prophets read the book of the law to Josiah he tore his clothes in disgust… This passage teaches us that the word will and is here to convict and reform us… When we begin to please the ears of men, we devalue the word of God and the focus and direction that it brings… Paul charges Timothy today to remain steadfast in God’s word and not to allow the missteps of his peers to deter him or thwart God’s will and plan for his life… Paul was nearing the end of his life and passing the mantle to Timothy! Today we have seen many great leaders go on to see what the end would be and the mantle has been passed to us… Paul is saying to us today that there will be times when people will reject Christ and you because of your faith… There will be times when people will skew or slant the word of God to fulfill the desires of the flesh… We can surely look at the times we are in today (prosperity gospel, scientology etc…) and see that this is the time that we must stand! One of the biggest and best witness we have is the life that we lead… Paul charges Timothy today as a leader to stay the course… We have a charge as Christians to stay the course… Don’t become weary when we see people go astray; don’t become disappointed when people reject the word of God… Jesus told the 72 to shake the dust off their feet when someone did not want to receive the word of the Lord… Understand that people are out in this world searching for happiness, they are searching for pleasure and they are searching for fulfillment… Whether it is accepted or not, it’s our job to plant the word of God in them and allow God to provide the increase… Your words are powerful, your witness is undeniable and the Grace of God will protect and keep you! Peter denied knowing Christ three times in the courtyard and left weeping; however in the book of Acts he is seen standing tall denying the notions that the people surrounding him were drunk… As a result of his witness 3,000 souls were saved… They weren’t saved because Peter please their itching ear, but because he spoke the word of God… Likewise, Paul is reinforcing Timothy today, he is saying stand tall in the midst of this crooked world, hold on in the midst of darkness and ignite the spark of God that lies within… Paul was telling Timothy that your time is now! This world may reject you, but they need to hear your voice; they need to hear your message and the power that Christ has placed within you! Today is your day, today this world needs to see your witness, and they need to feel your presents and God’s power! Display your faith and God’s faithfulness… Trust in the Lord, don’t be overcome by the world, but overcome the world by good!


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