Though things
appear dim or the chances seem slim, take courage in knowing that God has a
plan… … Jeremiah was known as the weeping prophet, he lived during the bondage
that the Israelites encountered under the hand of the Babylonians and witnessed
the oppression of God’s children… Even while in captivity and seeing the hand
of the enemy prevailing, Jeremiah records this message that we all can live by
today… Jeremiah records that God knows the thoughts that He thinks towards you,
He knows the path that He wants you to travel; He knows the levels of greatness
which He wants to see you reach! His thoughts toward you are thoughts of peace
(tranquility, happiness, and joy); not of evil or wickedness! He has an
expected end for you life… Here in the midst of trials and tribulations
Jeremiah is reminding the people of God that the Lord has not forgotten about them;
he is preaching to the masses that even though storms have entered your life,
understand that God is still there and He will deliver you… This scripture has
as two-fold meaning; the first is that God has thoughts of peace for your life;
He wants to give you the best… However, the second is that your bondage is a
result of the choices that you have made… Often times we want to blame God for
the snares we face, we want to question God’s authority when we face trials,
but Jeremiah reminds us today that God wants nothing but the best for you, your
family and your life, but just like a parent, He must allow you to learn from
your mistakes and sometimes you will have to take the rough road and rugged
terrain of hardships to experience the promises of God… Proverbs 3: 11,12 says,
“11 My son, do not despise the LORD’s discipline, and do not
resent his rebuke, 12 because the LORD disciplines those he loves,
as a father the son he delights in.” Even though the trials seem evil and
the storm seems wicked know that God’s plan is to produce in you a crop that
will last longer than your temporary pain… The fact
that God has an expected in shows us where He wants to take you; however, the
route that you take to get there is determined by your actions of everyday
living… I can get to my grandmother’s house in North Carolina in about 5 hours
from my parents doorstep if I try hard enough, at the same token it could take
me 7 hours to make the same journey if I procrastinate… The point is that I
will arrive to my destination; however, the time that it takes me to get there
is determined entirely by me… God wanted to bless His children, He wanted them
to prosper under His leadership, but they choice to defy God, which lead them
into captivity and the bondage that they currently face… God never wants evil
to enter your life, He doesn’t desire to make things hard for you, but will
make sure that you learn from every experience and eventually understand the
reasoning for your suffering… This passage tells me that God sees your future and
promise that is bestowed within you, but He also acknowledges in this passage
that there will be twist and turns along your journey, that’s why it says that
He has an expected end… Jeremiah concludes that, “Then shall ye call upon
me, and ye shall go and pray unto me, and I will hearken unto you…” Now
that you understand that the trials that have entered your life are from the
works of your hands, God is waiting for you to call upon Him, He is waiting for
you to turn from your wickedness and seek His face… God said, “If my people,
who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray…” God will not
act until you do! He has plans for you to prosper, plans for you to succeed,
plans for you to prevail, but you have to turn, you have to confess, you have to
repent… The funny thing about the Israelites bondage is that they had the key
inside them to be freed; likewise, the key to your freedom lies within you!
Call upon His name, throw your hands up in prayer and humble yourself before
the Lord knowing that you can’t make it on your own… Hearken unto his word,
adhere to His commands, and trust Him in the time of battle and turmoil!
Understand that God will see you through, know that you will be lead through
the valley of the shadows of death, but you should fear no evil! David didn’t
fear evil because he understood that, “Thou are with me…” God is with
you, He is right by your side waiting and hoping that you will allow His
thoughts of peace to transcend your life… You should remain confident that you
will be victorious; you should keep your faith that you will prevail and that
the devil will be and already has been defeated!
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