Thursday, June 30, 2016

Sow Righteousness; Reap Mercy

"Sow to yourselves in righteousness, reap in mercy; break up your fallow ground: for it is time to seek the LORD, till he come and rain righteousness upon you." 

Hosea 10:12

Even though you may appear to be in the vineyard alone, sow the seeds that you desire to reap in your harvest… As a child of God we are tested to think outside of the box, step out on faith and walking in the trust in belief that His desires will produce unimaginable results… Remember that when Jesus was speaking amongst His disciples He declared in Matthew 9:37 that “Then he said to his disciples, "The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.” Galatians 6:7 says, “Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.” Hosea was called by the Lord at a time in which the house of Judah was carrying on in disobedience… The Lord called Hosea to marry a promiscuous woman and have her to bare him a child; later on in the verse chapter the Lord compares the adulterous woman that Hosea married to the children of God… Make no mistake about it; even if we don’t see it immediately, the bible is clear that we reap what we sow… Hosea is calling for the children of God to sow seeds of righteousness… Righteousness is virtue, morality, decency and uprightness… 

We are called to live according to the will of God and the seeds that we sow are evidence of the way in which we walk… Jesus tells us in Matthew 7:16, “By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles?”The seed that you sow today is what you will indeed reap tomorrow… Hosea is reaching out to the people before it too late, several months pass before the season of harvest, today in spring we plant seeds to harvest a crop later in the year… Some of us that have children or even the people that we are around are receiving the seeds that we plant… Let us check the seed we are planting now (both in our lives and the lives of others), if it is corrupt talk, if it is malice, if it is anger dig up that seed now before it takes root… The bible says that the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, meekness, temperance against such there is no law… When you sow seeds of righteousness there are no chains that can withhold the blessings that God will pour out upon you… As you sow your seeds in humility we are reminded in Hosea today it’s far more important that you reap in that same humility… This is why Hosea says that we must “reap in mercy…” We must remain humble in our season of reaping; we must recognize that what we receive from the Lord is not what we deserve… There is no man on this earth that deserves the touch of God’s love or kindness, mercy is compassion, sympathy and understanding… Let us recognize the compassion God has shown toward us, let us sympathize with those around us (extend a hand of love and help) and let us understand that all good and perfect gifts come from above… 

Make no mistake about it, we all understand the seeds that we need to plant, but know that there is a lot of work involved in this process. Hosea says “break up your fallow ground…” If you want to be about the work of God and live according to His will than now is the time to go to the shed and pull out your shovel, pick axe and rakes… We must dig deep within our core and break apart the dirt to plant the seed… The fallow ground that Hosea is talking about is the stony heart that we have, the sinful nature that exist and the pride that we all embody… You must break it up and remove it in order to plant the seeds that God will give for your life to increase… David said, “…a broken and contrite heart thou will not despise…” When you heart is broken and contrite it is a soil that is ready to embrace, nurture and take care of the precious seed God has for your life… You must take hold now of the promises of God, you must take hold of the faith that can move mountains and you must maintain that faith until God shows up and shows out… Hosea says, “…for it is time to seek the LORD, till he come and rain righteousness upon you." Paul said some plant, some water but God provides the increase… Take the seed of God’s word, love it, nurture it and stand on it… You may be going through now, but when God shows up He will bless you in such a way that the good will indeed outweigh the bad and you will see the fruits of your labor…


Monday, June 27, 2016

We Are One In Christ

For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.

Galatians 3:27-28

In Christ, there are no classifications or factions; your past doesn’t determine your standing or the group that you are associated with… It never ceases to amaze me that the most segregated time in our societies and communities is the time in which we go into the church to praise & worship…. Paul wants you to remember that the world classifies you on your abilities; however, in Christ you are classified through your acceptance of the offering that Christ extended from the cross… There is no difference between you or I in the body of Christ; yes we all have different gifts but your importance in the body of Christ is no less significant than anyone else… This is why Paul says,“There is neither Jew nor Greek…” The biggest stumble block found in churches is the people who attend them… You have people who think they are better than others, people who think they have the right to look down or despise others and Paul is trying to set the record straight… The bible records that “all have fallen short of the glory of God…” We all have a path we have traveled, we all have done things that we aren’t proud of and we should be thankful just to have the opportunity to enter His courts with praise… Jesus went to the cross for all mankind (even if you say He did for you than that just shows that you were in need of saving)…

 Paul’s letter to the church of Galatia shines a powerful light that needs to be seen by the men of yesterday and today… There is no color barrier between races in God’s kingdom; there is no hierarchy between males and females within the divine will of God as it pertains to His saving power and extension of grace. Traditions in the church have caused us to push God out of the church, we have said that you can’t do this (women can’t preach), or you have to come to church like this (no jeans and women can’t wear pants), Paul asked a question within this passage of scripture that is prevalent to today! Where does it say in the scriptures that this is how church is to be conducted? Where do we gain the authority to dictate how someone is accepted in the kingdom of God…? Jesus posed a question about a shepherd losing one sheep out of a hundred, in this passage Jesus asked “Will he not leave the ninety nine to go after the one…” In one lost soul tears are shed, in one soul being saved tears are shed… The desires of God are that “no man should perish…” Today we need to revaluate our lives; we need to stop following tradition and start following the will of God… Paul is charging the church that there is no racial profiling, no sexism within Gods house! He created man and created woman, there is no difference in nationality or ethnicity. 

We are bound together by the blood of Jesus. We have to be careful the way we govern ourselves within the church, things have shifted from Gods will to our opinion. We have gone so far as to leave churches based on the WRONG perception we have as to how churches are to be lead. The other piece that Paul is addressing here is that we have to look past the outside of people! How often have you walked into a church and get the feeling that people don’t think you belong? How often have you looked at someone funny when they enter the church you go to because their skin may be lighter or darker than yours? Sadly, we have become so anti this and anti that, that there is no way that God dwells within the sanctuary that we claim to worship him in. The church is a place for sickness to be healed, confusion to be resolved and tears to be wiped away… There are many people who attend church with many different issues on there heart and it is in the body of Jesus Christ that healing, deliverance and direction is found… You are no better than me and I am no better than you, we need to join together in being grateful that God thought it not robbery to leave His home in glory…  It is because of politics and tradition that I believe churches are going astray, it’s because of these things that  people have lost faith in the church, and why the devil is actively taking over our church. Believe it or not, segregation is still alive in the entire world, (it is most obvious on Sunday mornings). We are to be about fellowship, we are to be about exaltation, we are to be about GOD, and in order to be about Christ, we must be able to look beyond self!


Friday, June 24, 2016

God Always Fulfills His Promises

The secret of the LORD is with them that fear him; and he will show them his covenant.

Psalm 25:14

In times of despair we must learn to hold to God’s unchanging hand, knowing that through our fear (reverence, honor and admiration) of Him we will be kept and brought through whatever trial or hardship we face… The “secret” of this life lies in our relationship with the Most High God… It was the fear of the Lord which led Jesus to the cross and the defeat of sin and death… It was the fear of the Lord that allowed Peter to stand up and preach a word that saved 3,000 souls; it was the fear of the Lord that allowed David to pick up 5 smooth stones and defeat Goliath… When you are going through in this life, rely on the secret of God’s power… The enemy doesn’t know how to contend to fight against God so He tries to get you to denounce His authority over your life… The secret that Satan doesn’t want you to know is that he is powerless; the secret that the enemy doesn’t want you to know is that Christ has already freed you from the penalty of sin and bondage… 

You were made in perfection and clothed in the very image of God, when you call on the name of the Lord there is power and grace imparted to you that breaks strongholds, heals and redirects… The secret to living is found in your reverence of the Lord… This why the Psalmist says that when you fear, when you obtain this secret that“he will show them his covenant…” God will write the vision and make it plain for your life; He will give you the desires of your heart and wipe your slate clean… In order to understand the desires of God for your life, you must align yourself with His will… David’s psalm tells us today that the secret of the Lord is with them that fear Him… Often times we associate fear to be a (n) intimidating or compromising authority in one’s life; however, fear in this since is a genuine respect and reverence for God… David is saying that if we truly desire to understand the precious promises and secrets of our Father, than we first must devote our lives to living according to His good pleasure… Too often we talk boldly about seeking God’s will in the situations that we face, but soon after we rely upon our own abilities to solve problems… 

Too often we claim to trust the Lord, but once we are only we begin to calculate our plan of attack. David encountered many perilous times in His life and in this Psalm he demonstrates his respect for the Lord and prays that God will take charge of his life. David has realized that these struggles that he has faced can only be overcome by the power and might of God. David confesses his sins to the Lord and speaks to God about all aspects of his life… Let us learn from the Psalmist today, demonstrate your reverence for the Lord, confess your sins and entrust your well-being into His hands… The secret to obtaining all you can in life is to give up all your possessions on this earth!!! This passage today explains where happiness resides; it informs us of how we can obtain a level of comfort beyond what is in our bank account or on our backs! The secret of the Lord is with them that fear him; the things you search for, the things you are trying to find reside within you if you are walking the will of God. A true Christian is happy in knowing that this life is leading to a better home, a house not made by man’s hands… The secret of the Lord is that He wants you to be faithful, the secret is that He wants you to trust and believe in Him, the secret of the Lord is that He will never see the righteous forsaken (His son) nor His seed begging bread (us). 

If you fear the Lord, which means to revere Him, honor Him, and adore Him; He will open the windows of heaven unto you and pour out blessings upon you that you will not have room enough to receive. This passage says that the Lord will show his covenant, a covenant is a promise or agreement… The bible is filled with covenants and the covenant that we focus on today is that God said those who believe will be saved, the covenant we focus on today is that God promised to send a comforter and that Jesus will come back upon the clouds and we will be caught up in the air to meet Him… The covenant is that He has promised to save you; the covenant is that He has promised to deliver you, promised to guide your life to eternal bliss, but we must accept that, we must acknowledge that, we must remove self and allow God to fill the emptiness inside. The secret is with them that fear Him, if you walk with Him; the secret to life resides within you, so search yourself and know that if you are a child of God happiness lies within!


Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Be At Peace And Let God Work

Acquaint now thyself with God, and be at peace: thereby good shall come unto thee.

Job 22:21 

Today’s devotion is centered around two very vital points which we must come to understand as we journey through this life. The first is that we must know God more intimately each and every day of our lives. This requires a desire to grow, mature and develop in the very will of God. To acquaint thyself with something is to open yourself up, expose your pass or submit to. God is waiting for you to open up to Him, He is waiting for you to expose the skeletons in your closet and He is waiting for you to submit to the divine plan that He has for your life…   We will face obstacles in life; however, when we are acquainted with the Lord we are able to trust Him, continue to worship Him and hold on to His unchanging hand… It is only through this acquaintance with the Lord that you mind, body and soul can be at peace… You can accept the challenges of life, you can face the most daunting of tasks and you can endure the severest of storms because you know who God is and more importantly you have grown in knowing what the scriptures say, “I will never leave you nor forsake you…” 

I challenge you today to find peace amidst your storms today, find peace within the relationships you have with and adversary, find peace in the most hostile of environments… The storms and struggles which you face today are a direct reflection of the growth and maturation that you have undergone in your intimate relationship with the Lord… Despite knowing that this scripture today is true, we must understand also today that we must be careful in listening to those who surround us in times of misfortune as this is the second point of today’s devotion. Job’s friends said that he must have erred in some way or fashion, but we say later in this poetical book that Job was called on to pray for his friends due to their lack of intimacy with the Lord… Today’s scripture has a twofold meaning that we need to apply to our lives as Christians… We all know the background of Job; He was a man of wealth and prosperity until Satan entered his life by God’s allowance and struck down his children, cattle and eventually his own health… Job was tested through and through and even his closest friends came to the conclusion that he had caused all this by some act which disobeyed God… This passage taken from the book of Job reminds us how we can be at peace within ourselves, but more importantly that we must be guarded with what we allow to enter our ears and thus our minds. 

Not everyone you encounter will understand the test that God has given you, some will come against you proclaiming things which simply are not true and it is through this intimate relationship with the Lord that you can fight the fiery darts of the enemy and overcome the temptations that often will come from the lips of those closest to you at your most vulnerable point. I often contend that the removal of Job’s family and cattle were pawn’s on Satan’s chess board; the real threat to Job came in the form of his wife who told him to curse God and die and his friends who accused him of acts which had not been committed… Eliphaz (Job’s friend) tells him that he must acquaint (submit, notify or tell) God of thyself. The passage is true but the application has false pretenses (this has the enemy written all over it)… Satan knows scripture, but the way he tries to apply it is not the way in which God has written it. Be careful to study the very word of God today to develop your relationship with Him; it is only through this acquaintance that you can cast down imaginations and refute unwholesome conversation which may often times come from the very mouth of those you call friends.  


Monday, June 20, 2016

God Has The Power

...Thine is the kingdom, O LORD, and thou art exalted as head above all.  Both riches and honour come of thee, and thou reignest over all; and in thine hand is power and might; and in thine hand it is to make great, and to give strength unto all.

1 Chronicles 29:11b-12

Make no mistake about it; all power resides within the hands of the man above… When Jesus was mocked, beaten and whipped; He was nailed to the cross and pierced in His side… The bible says that when He gave up the ghost He hung His head and died, but we know that three days later he rose with all power in His hand… Matthew 28:18-20 says,“And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.” We know that we do not have the ability unless it is provided to us through the grace and mercy of God… When Paul was afflicted with a thorn in the flesh he is recorded as saying that “three times” he prayed for it to be removed by God told him, “my grace is sufficient…” 

These verses taken from the book of Chronicles reminds us that we must have our priorities set in life; we must exalt the Lord above the earth as our head and center of our being… We must give God glory for every good and perfect gift (riches and honor) comes from above… Even when we are faced with times of despair, the writer reminds us that “thou reignest over all and in thin hand is power and might…” When you submit to God, He will deliver you and see that you have victory… Do you feel tired and weary? Are you unhappy or concerned about where you life is going? These are questions that are all too familiar with us and our walk as a Christian. Not a day goes by when we don’t feel like this journey is just too hard to travel or that there are just too many unknowns in our walk of faith. It is far too often that we begin to have doubts about what it is that God has in store, or how we can deal with the pressures of this world… First Chronicles reminds us that through thick and thin God is always in control, no matter what the situation seems to be at the moment, we need to be assured of the fact that God will always be exalted! He will never put more on you than you can bear, but will always make sure that His name is exalted through all that you face… When you praise God throughout your trials you are assured that you will life His name up and Jesus said that “when I be lifted up, I will draw all men unto me…” Praise God through all you face, knowing that He hears you and will lift you up as you lift Him up… 

We cling to the fact that He can make the rocks cry out, He will always be sovereign and will always have the praises and beauty of HIS HOLINESS rang out… This tells me that nothing will cause Him or us to falter, nothing will cause TOO MUCH pain or chaos in your life again let us remember what Jesus said, (if I be lifted up, I’ll draw all men unto me) this tells me that when He is exalted through the rough times so will you…This passage further reminds us that the Lord reigns over all and that power and might reside within his hand. This same hand that plucked you out of the miry clay, the same hand that wiped your tears away, the same hand that consoled you when no one else was around is the same hand that you can find your power and might! Power is authority and command, might is force and strength. We always confuse these words to mean the same thing; when in reality, God uses them separately to convey a separate meaning… God has the power or authority over all creation and He has the might or strength to deliver you in everything that you encounter… Remember that situations aren’t always what we see, but rather what God sees, so just walk by faith knowing in believing you will be exalted as you exalt Him and understanding that God has given the power and might to overcome and sustain you on this Christian journey… Just as Jesus endured the CROSS to sit at the right hand, we will endure to reach OUR heavenly goals, keep fighting, but more importantly keep praising and adoring His name!!!!!


Wednesday, June 15, 2016

I Am An Overcomer

And he that overcometh, and keepeth my works unto the end, to him will I give power over the nations.

Revelation 2:26

This first thing that a Christian must do in this journey is overcome the power of the natural desire to dwell in sin… The book of revelations is the foretelling of things to come… This book speaks to the return of Jesus Christ for His co-heirs and the deliverance from this earth unto the promised mansions of God… Today John reminds us of where God wants us to end up, but more importantly, he talks to the journey that we must endure to get there… The revelation that God provides to John is a revelation that we can live be as well. This revelation that is revealed unto John informs us of the gift that awaits those who endure. The verse of the day starts of by saying, “he that overcometh…” 

John sets the table for every trial that comes knocking to your door, this word prepares you for every obstacle that is thrust in your path and this message equips you for the snares that are set when you wake up in the morning… The bottom line is that we must overcome, there are no freebies when it comes to this spiritual war that we are fighting; every inch will be tough to go by and every step will draw sweat and blood from within… John knows a little about overcoming, this revelation that he is writing to us has been given to him as he sits on the island of Patmus exiled from his native land… John witness the evil plots against Jesus, he watched Jesus be strung up on the cross, now he himself has been persecuted and writes today to let us know that we (just like him) must overcome… Sure it’s very easy to take the clear path and walk the level ground, but we know that in becoming all that you can become there must be some hills and mountains that come into your journey… You must experience the lows of life to appreciate the highs of Christ and this is the journey that God knows will prepare you to appreciate His bountiful blessings… 

When the Israelites were brought out of Egypt, God took them the scenic route, not only to show His mighty hand, but also because the easier route would have brought the Israelites into war with the Philistines… Don’t walk by perception, sometimes the road God wants you on seems rough, but it’s the best course for your life so that you don’t fall into the trap of the enemy… John not only says that we must overcome, but states that we must keep Christ’s works unto the end and we will receive power over the nations… Stay true to the word of God, overcome your fears and keep your faith upon the promises of God… The word that I read says that no weapon formed against me shall prosper, the word that I keep says that “God shall setup a standard against the devil,” the word that I keep says that we are more than conquers through Christ, who gives me strength, the word that I have in my heart says, “my grace is sufficient for thee, for my power is made perfect in weakness,” the word that I live by says “I will never leave you nor forsake you” and that “you shall reap a harvest if you faint not…” Jesus overcame the agony in the Garden to drink the cup of wrath for us, then endured the mocking and beatings to fulfill Gods mission an ultimately His purpose, Now He sits at the right hand will all power! Paul had to overcome his efforts as Saul (and the hate people forced on him) to reach the destination of God’s glory and write a third of the New Testament. Peter had to overcome his denial and self-pity to preach the first sermon on the day of Pentecost which established Gods church and saved 3,000 souls. 

These examples show Gods faithfulness to a person or people who walk in faith, He never said it would be easy or that you won’t have hardships, but what He did say is, if you keep my word, and continue to press toward the mark; the door to victory will be opened, the keys to success will be handed to you, and your eternal reservations to heaven will be set in the lambs book of life!!!! It’s a tough road ahead, but hold to God’s hand, keep plowing, and know that all power was given unto Jesus. He has gone to prepare a place for you and will come back again to receive you unto His kingdom in glory… So continue to fight, don’t give up, your blessing, breakthrough and deliverance is INDEED on the way!!!!


Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Love Has To Be Your Foundation

...Though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not charity, it profiteth me nothing.

1 Corinthians 13:3

The societies that we live in and the communities with which we dwell have lost the meaning of the word love… There are so many people who do not understand what love means and/or what it will do; however, Paul pens in our focus verse today the point that a child of God is defined by love… If love isn’t the center of your motivation to act, then the deeds you do are done in vain… Understand today that Love is more than a word, its’ more than a feeling; love is the ability to go above and beyond, to look beyond faults and extend a hand despite what others may say and/or feel… Paul’s letter to the church of Corinth reminds us again that love has to be the ignition to the fire which leads us to take action… It doesn’t matter how much you give, but that you give in love… It doesn’t matter how much you do, it matters that you do your acts in love not for prestige or repayment… 

What is your intent when you give to someone in need? Are you doing it out of genuine concern, or is it so that everyone around you may see your good deeds and praise you for your efforts? Do you give to those in need expecting something in return, or are you simply wishing to help those who stumble upon hard times? These are the questions that we must ask ourselves as a child of God when it comes to giving and extending a hand… Giving to the poor is indeed a great service, but it loses its value if you’re giving for the wrong reasons… Sacrificing of yourself is truly an awesome commitment, but it is worthless if your sacrifice is in vain… When we think about love we must remember that the bible tells us very clearly that “God is love…” Paul is informing us that when we take part in giving, when we sacrifice, when we extend a hand; make sure that it is for God’s name to be glorified… Make sure that your actions aren’t to promote your own ego, but rather exalt God’s name through your actions! Look at the order of this verse, it talks to giving and sacrifice and then says that it is meaningless without charity… If God is not the center of your life everything is meaningless… If God is not the driving force behind your actions then everything is meaningless! 

Often times we deceive ourselves by material success, we evaluate our relationship with God according to how we have prospered on this earth… Let us look at two quick stories in the bible that speak to the importance of your actions being centered in Love… First, remember when Jesus was approached by the rich young man, the man asked Him what must I do to inherit Eternal Life? Jesus said keep they commandments, the man replied that he had kept the commandments since his youth… Jesus then tells him to sell all his goods to the poor and come and follow Him… At this, the man walks away weeping and never understands the point of Jesus teachings… If this man had kept the commandments, why was he asking Jesus about Eternal Life? He may have lived according to the law, but God was not the center of his life, Jesus told him to sell all he had to see where his priority lied and we see the results of his actions… Today let us learn from the rich young man, understanding that wealth doesn’t get us to heaven, observing the laws of the land don’t get us to heaven, we must accept Jesus Christ as a our personal Lord and Savior and allow the love that He demonstrated on the Cross to flow through us… 

Second, let us look at the widow who gave the two denarius for her offering… When people had given more money than her, Jesus said that she had truly given more than all the rest… She wasn’t giving out of her wealth; she was giving out of her love and humility towards God… She believed in God and wasn’t searching for anything in return, but she gave all she had to Him… Love is sacrifice of self, love is total submission, and love is living by faith… Jesus taught us how to love when He took the form of man, allowed Himself to be mocked and died on the cross… Jesus death wasn’t in vain because He was fulfilling the will of His father… Today Paul reminds us that in all that we do, we must be fulfilling the will of our father… After all, if we aren’t abiding in His love and will, then it doesn’t matter if we give to the poor, it doesn’t matter if we allow our body to be burned; if charity (love) isn’t the foundation than it profits you nothing… I believe Solomon said it best, “meaningless, meaningless, everything is meaningless… A chasing after the wind…”


Monday, June 13, 2016

Your Sole Duty....Fear God

"Only fear the LORD, and serve him in truth with all your heart; for consider how great things he hath done for you."

1 Samuel 12:24

Your only duty on this earth is to “fear the Lord…” When you fear (honor, revere or admonish) the Lord your life is lived in total submission to Him… This means that you walk according to His will and are not focused on things of this world… This passage provides great advice for us to live by; we are called to “serve him in truth” knowing that He knows best but also bring into remembrance all the things that He has done and the paths that He has paved… We have to have an attitude that reflects on what God has done and dispel the notion of living with the mindset of “what have you done for me lately…” According to worldly standards and ways of living we must approach life seeking our own way and desires; however we are reminded today that we serve  a faithful God; one who already demonstrated His might by sending His son and one who has promised to supply all our needs… 

Don’t lose sight of the fact that as children of God we often want things to happen according to our desires and standards… When we are faced with opposition we question or blame God; however, when things are working in our favor we find a way to place confidence in ourselves or mankind… Just like the Israelites we need to be reminded to “Only fear the LORD, and serve him in truth with all your heart…” The only thing that we should fear (revere, respect, and pay honor too) is the Lord… The Israelites (having been lead from bondage) desired a king to rule over them… Samuel reminds them today that they already had a king in the Lord and that they must Only fear him… As the story continues we see that Saul a man of physical gifts (well-built, handsome) was selected to be king and after thirty years was rejected due to disobedience… No matter who is placed in positions of authority, if they do not align themselves with the will of God they will fail. Samuel tells us today to “…consider how great things he hath done for you…” 

You didn’t wake up on your own, the midnight deadline on Friday wasn’t met by mankind, the roof over your head isn’t intact because of you and it is not by your works that you survive…The bible teaches me that God will never leave us nor forsake us, the bible tells me that we are not to worry about this or that because God knows what we stand in need of and will take care of it… God knows that in this economy you need a job so He has kept you working, He knows that you need to support your family so He has given you enough to make it through… One of my close friends once told me that He didn’t like the rain, but that he appreciates the fact that he can observe it without getting wet… Today, make no mistake about it, the rain is falling all over the world, tsunamis, earthquakes and various other disasters… Wars in Gaza, the Ivory Coast and other countries; however, you are just observing them without getting wet… Psalms 91 was that a thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, but it will not come near you if you make the Lord your dwelling place… Today fear the Lord (make Him your dwelling place)… Think about where He has already brought you from and if will give you enough energy to keep on going… 

Just take a moment to think about all the hardships you have faced and then think about how you have made it through… I am sure that there have been days when your finances didn’t add up, your money was funny and your change was strange; however, you still were able to cut that check or make that payment… God is above all and knows all… Fear Him, revere Him and stay focused on Him… The bible says in Matthew 16:33, “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”In seeking God we fear Him and allow His will to be done! God will never fail you, He will never forsake you and He has already don marvelous things for you… “Consider how great things…” Things in your life could always be worst and I am sure that there is someone on this earth that would love to opportunity to switch places with you and walk in your shoes… Don’t take for granted where are today, because you could be somewhere else…


Friday, June 10, 2016

Confess Christ And Christ Will Confess You

Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven. But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven.

Matthew 10:32-33

Religion is not something that we take off of our bookshelves and wear 1 day a week; it isn’t something that we keep hidden in the crevices of our lives and display around certain individuals… As a child of God we are called to walk daily in His divine light and this means that we are to show forth our faith in Him and trust that this is the only way… When we second guess speaking up in defense of the name of Jesus or when we withhold comments concerning our Lord and Savior we are doing a disservice to those whom we have come in contact with as well as ourselves… It is through speaking up and standing that we display our belief and initiates the standing power of Jesus Christ who continues to make intercessions on our behalf… Peter denied Christ and left a courtyard weeping; however, when standing after receiving the Holy Ghost 3,000 souls were saved… The power that God has and is willing to display in our lives can only be exerted when we “confess him before men…” Make no mistake about it, you will not be able to wheel and deal your way into heaven… The bible declares that anyone who“confess with their mouth” and believes in their heart shall be saved…  You are accountable to the call that God has on your life; however you are also accountable to bear witness to His name and walk in obedience… 

You disobey God when you “deny him before men” which is why Jesus will “also deny you before his father…” You are pretending, you are a (n) imposter, you are fraudulent… You cannot talk the talk; you have to walk the walk… Jesus said that He came that we may have life and have it more abundantly; however, He walked the walk when faced with the cross and humiliation… Today, you must carry your cross; you must walk through the cities declaring your love and appreciation for the most high… This is the only way that Christ will make intercession on your behalf and prepare the place for you in the heavens. In today’s focus verses, Matthew records the undeniable truth about salvation; this truth that we find here is that we control our own destiny… You have the power to unlock your God given destiny of settle for whatever you can obtain on this earth… Jesus is setting the stage as to how men can be saved, he says that whoever confesses him before men, he will confess before his father. In other words he is ready to provide the gift of eternal life unto you, but you control your own fate as to whether or not you would like to receive it. Notice Jesus says if you confess before men (plural), this confession is not limited to the church, it is not held bondage within the four walls of your sanctuary; but rather, Jesus is seeking for the true Christian to stand in your workplace, stand in your communities and in your homes! Many Christians have what I like to a call a “fashion faith,” they change with the seasons…. 

When they are around certain people they profess there love for Christ and there strong religious beliefs; however, when they go into the unknown they take a different approach toward each situation (they are like the candle that is lit but place under a bowl or like a ship at sea tossed and turned by the current tide). Jesus is not talking to the “fashion faith” individual, he is talking to the one who doesn’t understand that there spiritual prosperity lies within there hands, he is talking to the one who is at the fork in the road and is uncertain as to the path he shall take. The declaration is clear, eternal prosperity or damnation, happiness or sadness, exaltation or gnashing of teeth, either choice comes with consequences. To live in sin means you will be spiritual empty and unhappy within. Living in Christ means you must take up your cross and follow him. When men where crucified, they carried there cross through the cities so that all could see their fate! Does everyone you encounter know where you stand? After all, “the choice is yours…”


Thursday, June 9, 2016

Love Is Sacrificing Personal Agendas

If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen? And this commandment have we from him, That he who loveth God love his brother also.

1 John 4:20-21

Paul, in his first letter to the church of Corinth pens the characteristics of love in the 13th chapter… Throughout the verses he writes and describes how important love is; however, it is one particular piece from this chapter that we will look at today as it relates to John’s writings in our focus verses today… This particular piece is found in the 5th verse where Paul says, “It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.” You cannot be rude to someone, seek to do what is best for you, and become upset when things don’t go your way or keep a record as to why it is that you don’t like a particular person and then say that you are so “in love with God…” There are so many people who openly profess their love for Christ; however, they often fall short in showing it when that love must be displayed not only upward to Him but also horizontally to all that you come in contact with… The rich man had a love for God; however, He was not willing to give his possessions away (show a love for his brethren and thus he fell short… This is why John says that a person who claims to love God but hate his brother is “a liar…” 

Ask yourself today, how is it possible to love someone without displaying it? Love is an action word and it requires movement beyond your lips… The question I just posed to you is the question that we must ask ourselves as a child of God… John records in this passage that we can’t love God without loving our brother; this statement is very true because the only way we can show our love for the Lord is by loving our fellowman… Our father desires for us to extend a loving hand to one another, He desires for us to keep no record of wrongs, He desires for us to walk in humility never focusing on our own desires… These are the ways we show our love and appreciation to the Lord… The next time you cross a person who wronged you, show forth your love for the father by seeking resolution; the next time you are offended by a brother or sister, show your love for the father by going to that person and trying to mend the broken lines of communication instead of allowing your heart and mind to be occupied with resentment and anger… Again, never forget how many times Jesus said that He loved His father, but more importantly, never forget that He demonstrated it by giving up His life for all mankind… Get the point? Love is an action word and John informs us that we must extend a hand of love horizontally to display our vertical love to the Lord… The journey of a Christian in the world is likened to two people who are married and want a child together but can’t stand each other! You can’t have one without the other… You have to reach a compromise, you have to reach an understanding, and you must develop an attitude of love towards each other. 

As a Christian you can’t pick and choose who you want to like and dislike, who you want to befriend and turn you back on, or who you simply what to do without! Jesus even takes it a step farther by saying that we must love your enemies! John records here that if a man says he loves God and hates his brother, that he is a liar… So many of us have taken the very will of God and tried to personalize it for our own goals and achievements. We have tried to mold the will of God to fit our personal lifestyle when in reality we should be doing the exact opposite. Love is sacrifice, that’s why Jesus said not greater love has a man than this that he lay down his life for his friends (Jesus was referring to all mankind, but also the same people who turned their back on Him when He was arrested and fled the scene)! Jesus demonstrated his Love through His sacrifice on the cross! If we claim to love God, we MUST demonstrate it through our sacrifice of pride, ego, and self-worth. Instead, we must show our love through humbleness to receive all God’s creation as brothers and sisters with love. Many people will come and go in your life (some on good terms, some on bad), many will tear you down, while others build you up, some will enjoy your hardships, while others mourn with you, some will hold you back, while others want to witness your success! All these people serve a purpose in your life and God loves them (hate the sin, not the sinner), the question for you as a Christian, is can you do the same? If you can’t, then this passage is meant for you…


Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Love God And Let Him Work It Out

And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.

Romans 8:28

There are positive outcomes to your circumstances that appear to be negative… Notice that I used the word “Appear”... Often times we equate obstacles with negativity, but Paul reminds us today that this concept is false… In the Old Testament Abraham had to relocate in order to be blessed and called the father of many nations, Joseph had to endure slavery to see His dream fulfilled, Jacob ran from Esau and was subject to countless attacks before being named Israel… The point is that when we are walking according to the will of God everything in our paths will be used as a tool to mold us and guide us toward the ultimate prize… Paul wrote a letter to the church of Corinth about the “thorn in his flesh”, he ended by saying that God told him “His grace is sufficient…” When storms rise learn to appreciate the rain because that is what helps flowers grow just like the sunny days… Paul declares to the Church of Rome that all things work together for the good of them that love God. Notice that he states all things work, the bad and the good will come together and fulfill God’s purpose. Some of us take this verse to read that everything will be peaches and cream, when in reality Paul is saying your suffering has a place in God’s divine will for your life! 

Every obstacle you face, every trial that is presented and every storm that comes knocking will align you and prepare you for a new level in the will of God… There is nothing that God will place in your life that you can’t handle and the end product will be better than the first… Job received double, Joseph was a prince and David became king… All faced trials, but (through faith) saw that God’s will was done… Joseph went on to say, “Though it was meant for evil, my God meant it for good…” Paul also informs the church that things will work for the good of those who love God. Many people are confused as to why their homes are divided and being destroyed, why their marriages aren’t working, or are confused at how everything they touch is demolished. These people say they are active in the church; they give there offering every Sunday, so how is it that my life makes no sense? The answer is because your love for God is not present; love is sacrifice, trust, and faith! When you love God you aren’t worried about tomorrow, you don’t allow society to dictate your decisions, and you believe in your heart that God is guiding you in the pathway of righteousness. More importantly, your love for God will show when you have found yourself in the midst of  a trial; remember Paul said that we are to do all things without murmurings and disputes, your love for God should be evident in all phases of life… 

We have to cling to God, seek His word and way daily, that’s how we show our love, not simply by going to church and saying the right things! The second part of today’s devotion deals with the aspect of work; all things work together for the good, but this means you must also do the work which your hands have been assigned to do…There are many Christians that are unhappy and unfruitful not because God dislikes them, but because they are trying to serve in the wrong capacity! The word of God says that titles without treatment lead to tragedy… Make sure that you are working in the capacity that God has called you for; make sure that you are not focused on titles instead of serving the Lord. The word says, “To whom much is given, much is required…” Don’t seek vain glory; don’t look for the applause of men, but serve the Lord in spirit and in truth. Everything will be fine if you have trusted in the Lord and accepted your rightful position in His kingdom of service… Not everyone is to preach, not everyone is to sing, not everyone is to usher… The bible says, “The body is made up of many members…” We can’t all be the head, we can’t all be the hands, some are the feet which make it possible to move and advance in His will… Make sure your walking in God’s calling, you will know because everything will work to your benefit and growth when you’re doing His will…


Monday, June 6, 2016

Chastening Is A Form Of Love

My son, despise not the chastening of the LORD; neither be weary of his correction:  For whom the LORD loveth he correcteth; even as a father the son in whom he delighteth.

Proverbs 3:11-12

Growing up I believe that I was whipped more than I was congratulated… I believe that scars and welts on my backside far outnumbered the hugs for a job well done… With that being said I look back on my childhood and thank my parents for correcting me back then instead of allowing me to suffer the consequences of my actions now… When a parent loves a child, correction is a form of throwing a life-line before it’s too late… There is nothing worse in life, than to lose the support of your parents… I can recall a time in my life when I was all about fitting the image and being amongst my friends… School was nothing to me and my grades showed that very thing. I can remember a time when I received my report card and it seemed as if my parents would have been proud just to see a “C” on the paper. There is one time in particular when my actions actually sunk in, my father looked at my report card and said, “If this is what you have decided that you want to be and do, fine…” I realized at that point that my father wasn’t going to beat me, he wasn’t going to ground me, but that he simply had come to the realization that his love to see me prosper was completely poured out. I could feel the disappointment, but more importantly I could feel the separation… The book of proverbs teaches us today that discipline is love, not that your parents love to beat you, but that they love you enough to try and get you on the right path and course. 

God demonstrated in love for the Israelites every time they were in captivity, He demonstrated His love when Job lost everything, Daniel was in the Lion’s Den, David was pursued by Saul, Joseph was sold to slavery and Paul was blind and in the desert… We live in a day an age where kids have become unruly… They have taken the roles of leaders and independence without even understanding the direction in which they are headed. Every time we turn on the television we are bombarded with the news of another teen taking another’s life, our day seems to be saddened when we see kids having kids, or committing heinous crimes that seem to make us cringe at the thought! Why is it that this is happening, why is it that this generation is lost and confused? The answer, because there is no father in the household, no rules to obey, and no consequences to be faced! We have strayed so far from the normal approach to children that we have caused the turmoil we currently see. It use to be, when a child cursed he was popped or beaten, now the parents will laugh and say he is too young to understand what he is saying. It use to be that we learned lullabies to sing at early ages, now we are rapping at the age of 4 along with Gucci Mane or Lil Wayne! This passage taken from Proverbs reminds us of the importance of discipline, the fact that we need not despise chastisement. This generation is dying off because they have not been corrected, they have not been punished, but more importantly because they have not been loved. 

These verses from Proverbs draw a parallel to the fact the correction equals love. When God punishes you, or corrects you it is in love! When he makes you face consequences its because He doesn’t want to see you fall by the wayside; but on the contrary, He wants to see you reach the heights and goals He has ordained for your life! So when you are dealing with hardships, when you are disciplined, when you are facing the corrective rod of God, know that He loves you and cares for you! One thing that I know is that if we don’t see the consequences of our actions, we will never understand the affect of the decisions that we make. As I stated earlier, the Israelites were in captivity multiple times, imagine where they would have been if God had not allowed them to be in bondage, imagine where Paul would have been if the Lord would not have humbled him on the Damascus road… Look at David and think about what he would have been doing if the Lord hadn’t struck down his son whom he had with Bathsheba… The image you draw in your mind about where these people would have been is seen right outside your door every day. They would have been lost, confused and falling by the wayside just like our societies and communities right now! If you are doing the things YOU want to do, without chastisement or correction, this is the time when you need to be concerned and worried…


Sunday, June 5, 2016

God's Spirit Empowers You

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

2 Timothy 1:7
There is nothing of this world that we should fear… In this world so many people have their minds filled with nonsense and things of no significant value that they inherit this worldly fear spoken of in this passage by the apostle Paul… We fear losing jobs, a lower income or alterations to our lifestyle; however, in the body of Christ we are reminded today that we have not been given a spirit of fear… More importantly, the spirit we have and have been given in Christ is a spirit that contradicts what the world things we should be afraid of… When you are under the spirit of fear there are elements in your life that you are scared to lose or allow to change; however, when you are in Christ you don’t fear these things but learn to trust that God doesn’t make mistakes and that He has my best interest at heart, this is why Paul says the spirit you have been given is a spirit of “power, and of love, and of a sound mind…” Understand today that you cannot be a child of God if you are walking in fear of things changing in this world or around you… A child resembles their parents; so if you call yourself a child of God then you shouldn’t fear what circumstances you face in this world or endure through your life’s journey… 
Jesus endured the most humiliating death known to mankind; however, His spirit didn’t fear and He stole the sting and victory of death and the grave… Remember who is writing this passage today, Paul was faced with many obstacles, trials and tribulations… Even through His trials, He goes on in the book of Romans to he asks the question, “Who can separate us from the love of God…?” He then goes on to say after dealing with much pain, controversy and suffering (remember throughout his missionary journeys that he was shipwrecked and stoned by a faction formed from Antioch and Iconium, “For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Paul wrote this at a time when several distractions were being presented before, the scholars of the law were trying to discredit him and punish him for his faith and these are the words that he spoke… We should echo these words when we face obstacles and hurdles knowing that nothing will separate us from God’s love and His divine will… In today’s focus verse, Paul writes a letter of encouragement to Timothy… Timothy was a man of God whom had begun to doubt his ability within the will of God… Timothy was a young man that was scrutinized and placed under a microscope; he desired to leave the ministry of the gospel and take a backseat to the views of the world… Paul is lifting up Timothy in his time of despair and reinforcing his belief… There will always be times in our lives where we feel like giving up.Timothy was dealing with a trial in his ministry and Paul is teaching him to understand that trials are a (n) apart of life. 
The words recorded here in 2 Timothy tell us that we have been given a spirit by God. We have something within us that will bring about better things out of us. This spirit is not of fear, you have nothing to be afraid of, you have no chains holding you back, no bondage or captivity, but the spirit has set you free to embark on the journey that God has ordained for your life. Remember when the Spirit of God (the spirit that ONLY God gives) descended on Jesus in the 4th chapter of Matthew and He was tempted by the devil and made him flee, the Jews criticized Peter and the other believers on the day of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit rain down on them by saying they had had too much wine. When God pours out His spirit the devil will try to thwart His plan and vision for your life, but know that His spirit will give you power to overcome any circumstance or attack that the devil may draw up against you. God has given you a spirit that will empower you to be the best child of God you can be, Jesus said “greater things than I, you will do…” Don’t allow your ability to be held captive because of fear, understand that trials are necessary to mature and grow in the word and will of God… Understand that trouble doesn’t last always and know that God will never leave you nor forsake you. The days that we live in now were made possible because the ones who lived before us were not controlled by fear… Likewise, you have been given a spirit of power, love, and a sound mind! USE IT!


Thursday, June 2, 2016

Everyday Is A Day Of Celebration

Then he said unto them, Go your way, eat the fat, and drink the sweet, and send portions unto them for whom nothing is prepared: for this day is holy unto our LORD: neither be ye sorry; for the joy of the LORD is your strength.

Nehemiah 8:10

Even in times of despair, heartbreak and frustration you have a reason to celebrate… Whenever you feel down, your pick-me-up can be found in knowing that “the joy of the Lord is your strength…” When you go through things don’t fret because your weakness will open the door for God to display His strength. When you are faced with a daunting task, don’t give room to the debilitating fear that lurks because the joy of the Lord is your strength… We all have fallen short or missed the mark which was the case at the time of this word being recorded in the book of Nehemiah. You can take courage and find peace today in knowing that you will have provisions, protection and prosperity through the good and perfect gifts which only come from above. Even though we don’t like to make mistakes or mess up from time to time, in reading this passage we know that we as well as the people of that particular time should be overjoyed because God’s word has convicted them and paved the way to repentance… Today we mourn for Jesus, but we are overjoyed at the offering He poured out on Calvary knowing and believing that Salvation was made possible by His death and believing that He now sits at the right hand of the father with all power in His hand… Now is the time for us to build upon that foundation. We understand that 

God has paid the penalty of sin on our behalf; we understand that God has delivered us from captivity, now we must put our faith into action by living a life that pleases the Lord… Nehemiah writes today of the desire of the Lord for those who acknowledge Him… This passage of scriptures takes place at a point and time when the children of God are coming back together after being scattered and oppressed. The wall of Jerusalem had been destroyed previously and they have just begun to rebuild their respective lives. Ezra the priest has located the scroll of the Lord and in this chapter has read the word of God to the people. At hearing the word of God, the people begin to mourn for all the wrong they had down and felt the convictions of their actions. Nehemiah, Ezra and the Levites are teaching the people of God that they need to listen to the word and be happy because God has given them a chance to live and turn over a new leaf. I believe that we to have felt the conviction of the word of God knowing that our sins placed Jesus on the cross. We mourn daily, knowing that we were just as guilty as Judas because we too have betrayed the Lord. Nehemiah is saying today that God loves your convictions, but desires for you to turn to Him… Nehemiah tells the people that they are to celebrate; they are to give thanks to God because the word of the Lord has been found and instilled in their hearts. 

We too should be thankful that while we were lost, God didn’t close the door, while we were concerned about our own agendas, God was still concerned about us. Nehemiah says, “Neither be ye sorry; for the joy of the Lord is your strength…” Remember when Jesus was crucified, Mary Magdalene went to the tomb and didn’t find His body, she began to mourn and Jesus approached her and asked her why she was crying… Sure, we have fallen short, we have messed up, we have strayed away but now that we are back with the father, now that we are in lock-step with the Lord, now that the lost sheep has been found, we should find joy in the strength of the Lord. Let people talk about your past while you allow God to lead you to your future. Sure we have been down, but now we are up. Sure, we were lost, but now we are found. Sure, our fate was sealed, but God has wiped the slate clean… Like Nehemiah said to the Israelites, “…go your way, eat the fat, and drink the sweet… neither be ye sorry, for the joy of the Lord is your strength…” We have a whole lot to be thankful for, our blessings outweigh our trials…. Praise be to God, for your battle has already been won…