Malachi 4:2When you feel dejected and ready to throw in the towel, just know that “the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings…” Jesus was persecuted and appeared to lose; however, His death on the cross produced His greatest ministry (and victory)… Today, know that you will be persecuted, but in your most troubling days, your ministry will be much more intense and exalted… God knows that walking under His guidelines subjects you to many obstacles and hardships… The Lord realizes that every time you choose to follow Him, you risk losing friends and having sleepless nights; however, He wants us to find encouragement in today’s study verse knowing that we will run free in victory and overcome the storms we face… This verse starts by saying, “But for you who revere my name…” We must stay the course and revere (honor, respect, and admire) the name of the Lord… Proverbs 18:10 says, “The name of the LORD is a strong tower; the righteous run to it and are safe.” No matter what you face or what opposition comes before you, stand upon the promises of God and trust Him knowing that when you revere His name, He will protect and keep you… Malachi goes on to inform us that the sun of righteousness will rise again, there is a day marked on the eternal calendar, an hour when the clouds will part and Jesus will return unto this earth…
When the sun goes down darkness covers the earth; this very principle is one that we must apply today knowing that dark has covered the earth… If we understand that He will rise again, we must understand that things must appear to have fallen first; situations must seem to be insurmountable, trials must seem unconquerable, sin must feel too tempting and Satan must appear to be winning… Understand that our hope may not be evident in the present sufferings that we may be encountering right now; however, Malachi reminds us today that in revering God we patiently await His return and our rescue from this world of sin… We all have been enslaved at one point in time in our lives… We have been imprisoned by our bad choices, locked up behind our fleshly desires, and hindered by our own transgressions… There is good news today for those who revere the Lord, those who serve Him in spirit (within) and in truth (through circumstances)… When Christ returns (rises again) He will escort us into His kingdom and Sabbath will have no end… It is because of Christ's healing that we are even alive and reading this message, it’s because of His sacrifice that we will be able to leap like calves released from the stall. The stall is your current circumstance, your stall is the way you feel when you don’t think things can get better, your stall is the ceiling that has been placed in your life when you think that you can’t go any higher… Your stall is your current limitation, but when you know the one and only true God when you understand who is the author and finisher of your faith, you will be able to hold to God’s hand, you will be able to keep your joy through sorrow and suffering! For there is healing in His wings, He has heard your cry, He has understood your moans and He will deliver you from your current bondage (stall) unto the eternal Promise Land!